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Show Alignment ticks at 100 Alignment.

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When a character has 100 alignment, alignment ticks no longer show, so there is no reliable way to determine when a character has had their last alignment tick, thus making them extremely unreliable for sermon activities.

Please have an option to *always* show alignment ticks, even if they're 0, this would greatly improve the usability of actual player characters in sermons, instead of just 'dead alts'.

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Bumping this as it is STILL a problem, especially when the playerbase gets a bit lower and you already have problems getting people for sermons.


If someone had an alignment gain/loss, it invalidates that player as a valid listener in a sermon, means less faith for the priest, means if it is not enough faith gain (0.12 at least), the daily pray count won't be reset for the priest giving the sermon! 3h cooldown for a sermon YAAAAY!


Just PLEAASE, let the game write something into the log files/skills window so people see when they "gained" alignment when already over 100. Sometimes you just make a mistake, like quickly do a mining action with a mag follower/priest, and you gain alignment.


The game already recognizes this as it invalidates you, so why not write something ingame? 

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Just bumped into this recently at the end of a sermon group. One member of the group needed 0.03 Faith to reach 100.

According to the wiki, you only need 4 valid listeners to receive Faith, though this seems not to be the case. Having 6 listeners to reset the prayer counter was not needed, just enough listeners to gain faith. But because the is no way whatsoever for the prospective Preacher to determine the number of valid listeners before giving the sermon and hoping, we can't really say for certain if the listeners were indeed valid even though they didn't so much as sneeze (which probably changes alignment). But this person tried multiple times with 4 listeners, wasting a day of effort on this.

Not only does a player need to know whether he or she is a valid listener for a sermon, but the priest needs to know how many valid listeners will hear the sermon either before starting, or as the beginning message: You brandish yadda yadda to 5 listening players. This will give the priest a chance to cancel before wasting the cooldown.

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