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Less dense forests on Defiance

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I suggest that forests are less dense than they currently are on Defiance.

Hunting/PVP in super dense forests where you only see a 2-3 tiles forwards isn't as enjoyable as less dense forests.


Therefor i suggest the implementation of something similar to the following:

When a tree reach either of the 4 stages where it would normally be able to spread itself it will spread up to 5 tiles away.


It will do a check for a random tile within this area and see if it is a tile it can spread to (aka grass/mycelium), if it fails it will retry once.

If it's of the oak/willow type it will naturally avoid the 2-tile kill-radius around itself.

Upon picking an eligible tile it checks the 3x3 around the location.


If the ammount of trees in that zone is greater than 3 it doesnt spread.

It will retry the tile picking once incase its too dense at the location.


And thats about it.

It makes it less cancerous to hunt and pvp in dense forests.

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