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Tutoring: players can create "notes" which give a timed affinity in that skill to lower level players

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Players above a certain skill level can tutor people in that skill by giving them notes, which can be consumed for a temporary bonus to skill gain (like affinity foods).


How it might work: 


  1. The experienced player needs to have a filled pen and a sheet of paper in their inventory (the usual writing system). They activate the pen and right click on the appropriate skill in the skill window, then select "Share knowledge" or something like that. Then there's a timer, and the piece of paper becomes something like "Leatherworking notes". 
  2. The paper can then be given away, sold, left on the ground for anyone to stumble upon (before it decays away!), or offered as a prize in a community event.
  3. A low level player receives the note. They "read" it, and just like with recipe papers a window would pop up with some text that says what it is. Something to the effect of "Advice to assist in your study of leatherworking" but formulated in some nicer way :)
  4. In the same way that recipes have "add to your cookbook" there can be something you click to actually use the note. 
  5. The note is consumed on use, giving a similar message as with recipes, eg. something like "You read the contents of the note just in time before it crumbles away".
  6. A timed affinity then activates, with the same message as for food affinities "You suddenly realise that you have more of an insight about leatherworking!". There should of course be a different icon, eg. a book.


Restrictions and other details:


You can start creating notes at any point, but they can only help people a certain level below you, so if you're skill is 5 you don't have enough experience to teach anyone, but at 20 you could share what you've learned with someone who is just starting. There probably needs to be some kind of scaling system here, but this is beyond my capabilities to work out personally. Maybe others can offer some suggestions for that :) 


You can only use notes that are a certain level above you, which would allow for continuous mentorship all the way up to the top. If you tried to use a note at or below your level, you would get a message like "There is nothing here you don't already know" and not be able to consume it. 


Another possibility could be that the greater the skill of the mentor, the longer the affinity timer lasts. The quality of the paper could also be a factor here.


There could be a cooldown so only one can be created per day, or one per skill per day, or something like that. "You've shared all the knowledge you can for now."


The reason I want this: 


This feature would offer veteran players a way to use their experience to help newbies learn instead of just giving them items. It could also help to encourage some more player interaction and perhaps even roleplay, and for the "I want to do it myself" types, like me, it's a way to accept some help from friendly people without losing the motivation to work on those skills.


Edited by Vorticella

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Even if there its food that does the same. It would not hurt this being added.but with a lower percent skillgain. Like 1 to 5% ? And only those with a 50, 70 or 90 skill level can make the note.

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