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Sermon distance

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I noticed how the Sermon section on the Faith page has been updated to say:



A valid listener is a premium player of the same kingdom and of any religion, who is within 5 tiles of the one giving the sermon (being mounted or on foot within this distance does not matter; being embarked on any type of vehicle or cart, however, invalidates the listener). They must also have not gained any alignment within the past 30 minutes.


whereas it previously said within 4 tiles.


After having tested it, it seems that it is one of those N-W things. So, although a premium player counts as a listener if they are within 5 tiles north or west of the tile the sermon giver is standing on, they don't count if they are more than 4 tiles to the south or east.


Considering this, I think it is perhaps better to change the wiki to either explain this or to simply put it back to saying 4 tiles to avoid people choosing the wrong setup for their sermons.


Many thanks



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Sermon should probably be split off from faith page. Just do a sentence or 2 in the sermon section of faith page and then link to sermon page for more detail. 

On sermon page, you can have layouts for sermon areas. (5x5 box for a sermon/listen anywhere inside, 3x3 sermon area with 7x7 total listener area) Then maybe do a note on the north-west thing for more detail since that might come in handy for people doing a more careful sermon area setup. 

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