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Small change to usable artifact charges

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Something i've noticed about the artifacts with usable effects, is that they will almost never actually be used unless for their seperate effects (mainly talking about sceptre, hammer, crown, etc) due to the charges going down and making them need to be recharged more often/take longer to recharge, and for the ones that get spam used (ear eye mouth charm) they get double hit by the weekly drop and 1 charge/use meaning you have to recharge every few days and micromanage your charges left so you don't drop the artifact. One example i guess is the orb of doom, that takes 10 charges per use (and is pretty much a meme), meaning each use means you need to recharge it 1 week earlier to keep it.


My suggestion is to change how they drop charge at the end of the week, so that they only drop (10 - uses in last week) charges, so if you haven't used it at all, it drops 10 points, if you used it once, it drops 9 points, and so forth. I feel this would encourage use of the combat artifacts special effects which largely go unused and instead are only brought out for their raw power, and reduces the already super fast rate that use only artifacts drop charges at.

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