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[Issue] Measuring Jug

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Measuring jug, in inventory, in backpack presents the "Set Volume To" menu, but when a volume is selected, reports:



[19:36:23] You can only change volume when the measuring jug is in your inventory.


Possible bug: The measuring jug does not seem to be able to detect that it is inventory, when in a backpack.


Alternatively, if this is the desired behavior (?!), the message is confusing, since the measuring jug is in inventory (in a backpack).  In that case, the message should read something along the lines of "You can only change volume when the measuring jug is in your inventory and not in any container."  Although I have not tested that this issue occurs in other containers.


Workaround:  move the measuring jug out of backpack, change its volume, return to backpack.


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I guess I should also provide justification for the possible bug fix.  The Set Volume To menu presents itself, and I chose a new volume (1kg) while the jug was in a backpack.  Not noticing the error message, and thinking that the volume had been changed, I proceeded to create lye using the measuring jug at its original volume (10 kg).  The lye created, at the correct finished volumes (the same 1kg volume), and so I continued to create three more lye until I found that my water barrel was now completely empty (30+ kg of water wasted).


IMO the measuring jug should always change volume when its menu is presented.  Why not?  The only possible rationale might be a permissions issue if not in user inventory.  If that is a concern I would argue to use "proximity" permissions instead:  most humans put measuring cup/graduated cylinder on a flat surface in front of them to measure liquids.  Therefore, in game, you should be able to move liquid from barrel to measuring jug while both are on the ground (or on a table 🙂) in front of you.  But if we insist that the measuring jug really must be in inventory for permissions, then a backpack qualifies as inventory and volume should change inside a backpack.

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I'm now getting this message at all times

[18:18:07] You can only change volume when the measuring jug is in your inventory.

I tried deleting all my inventory groups, dropping the jug placing the jug, no way to actually set the volume.

This is a new measuring jug freshly made:

[18:19:45] A kitchen utensil used primarily to measure the volume of liquid ingredients such as milk. It is glowing from the heat. 

[18:19:45] You check the wheel on the bottom and it indicates the volume is set to 80g.


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