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New player seeking answers

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Hello guys, I just have a few questions about free to play vs premium. I plan on getting premium but with everything going on in the world right now, I am unable to purchase it with real funds. I was curious how long its expected to start free to play and save your silver until you have enough to purchase premium. Also, how one might find work, or an honest pay of copper/silver.

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Best thing I can recommend is make bricks for people.  Go to their deed, they'll usually feed you and even provide a decent chisel for you.  Stand there and make bricks at 1s/1000 using their rock shards.

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There are many ways besides just bricks(bricks is just the goto thing people say)
There are quite a few things to do besides bricks like dirt or clay or other menial tasks based on what people want help with there used to be a cheap way to get premium but that was taken out not to long ago

There is a list of items(i will post it below this) that have a 100% creation chance and upon "failure" creates the ql to be that of your skill or ql 20 which ever is lower

Stone brick 
String of cloth 
Large nails 
Small nails 
Stone slab 
Hunting arrow head 
Clay brick 
Clay shingle 
Pottery shingle 
Wood shingle 
Rounded stone

Of these items the following would be good
Stone brick, both nails, shafts, clay bricks,rivets(sometimes), string of cloth(smaller market but still doable) and last hunting arrow heads if you are willing to make 1k of them then turn them into arrows and get to ql 20 at 1k some people will still buy them

All of the ones above require you to spend quite a bit of time collecting resources and refining it in quite large numbers which early on with long timers is a pain in the ass and leads to a lot of people to give up period so there are some other things you could do

Dig dirt for people who are doing terraforming projects, mine tunnels for them this if you can find a project that is going on can pay more but you will have to travel to said project and work hard on it so depending on how you want to make your money can be a deal breaker
Go out hunting you can get coins from hunting which will let you get decent gear in no time and then murder stuff sure not the fastest way but its a enjoyable break between grinding

Or find someone who is willing to invest into you with the promise that you pay them back with goods/services/coin later down the track once you have it(this is risky for the person investing but i have seen it happen time and time again especially in the villages that take in new players)

The best way id say to do it is get 5s together somehow get the prem and grind your behind off in 1 skill that can net you more money in bulk goods be it digging woodcutting(carpentry) mining(masonry) and try to get as high skill as possible as quickly
Now say if i was you i would save 6-7 silver first buy myself a high cast coc shovel for under a silver and a kiln and a cart full of crates and 2 bsb's then activate your prem and dig clay fill those crates dump it into 1 of the bsb's do this for a few days as much as you can stand(you will reach 80-90 in a few days time as digging is a fast skill) on day 10(or sooner when your bsb is full) switch to making clay bricks and throw them into the kiln and fire them and let them turn into pottery bricks

These will sell for more then stone bricks and not a lot of people do so because of before the update that made clay bricks a 100% chance on creation it was a pain to make them for most people as not a lot of people had high pottery and not a lot of people want to go through the process now of doing it(idk why)
Now 1999 pottery bricks fit inside of 1 bsb but a pottery brick is 5kg of clay(you dig 2kg at once) so your full bsb of clay becomes 6,399 pottery bricks which last time i checked can go for 2-3s/k (most likely 3s)
But at this point you can see you need more bsb's to store the clay bricks and also more crates if you want to sell them unless the buyer is willing to bring their own crates which means either you need 60 carp or you need to inform the buyer who is picking it up to bring crates as you are new and dont have the skill for it yet or sell the bsb as a whole in 1 go and let them pick that up

Either way if you go clay bricks it can sustain you if you are active about selling them even if you sell to 1-2 people per month and you sell 4k max a month now add in other bulk items or services and you can self sustain yourself forever
But if you do go this way here is 2 tips
1. Setup a merchant page on the forums where you list all your items you are selling with their prices in s/k and be clear about it being pickup only as you are new
2. Once an hour post a wts "insert forum link and some marketing text" in trade channel so that people see you are selling bulk goods and bump your post if there hasnt been any activity in it in a day or 2

This is what i used to do in the past and am planning on doing again in the future and it works it makes you enough silver to keep a deed and an alt or 2(next to your main) premium if you are willing to invest the time into gathering the materials and refining them which later on once you got the skill(say 90+ digging) and your setup is fully done and you have a speed shovel is a hour or 2 a day max then refine in the weekend and play wurm for the rest of the time normally

Hope this might help you out

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Another option, which may take a bit longer but will also get you some lower quality foods and materials to work with (wemp/cotton) is to forage and botanize. I usually get almost a silver or sometimes over each time I spend a few hours foraging and botanizing. Save up 5s and you'll be able to buy that first premium option :)


Also, there's no "expected" amount of time to play as a free-to-play, so I would suggest working on some skills while FTP before getting that premium. FTP caps skills at 20, so it's great to 20, or get almost to 20, on a few skills first and then purchase premium to continue growing your character :)

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Apologies if I'm mistaken, but I recall a recent update raising the cost of buying premium the first time to 8s? IIRC, it was a response to priest players with lots of currency constantly creating new alts that they would prem for cheap in order to making sermon grinds easier. Unfortunately, it's still very painful for new players looking to try premium.

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