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Items disappearing

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We've been working on a new server for a couple of weeks or so now, and we're getting ready to open.  We're moving characters over from another server, by hand ... long story, we just figured that it would be easier to get new characters on line, and GMs could update their skills, etc.   We're also setting up new mods, which are being scrupulously tested beforehand, to make sure nothing breaks other things, etc.


So, I logged in a character late night before last (or possibly very early yesterday morning...) and with the GM character, did the skill --> learn thing, and adjusted stats.  Did the faith thing from the wand -> server -> set faith bit, and made her a priest of Vynora.   Gave her a statuette of Vynora, silver.  Logged both characters off, and went to bed.   


When I logged in the character, she had absolutely nothing.  Nothing.  No inventory, no backpack, no armor, nor weapon.  The upper left mouseover on the paperdoll reported 0 weight for both equipment and inventory.  The GM seemed to have all the stuff she had when she logged off.


So, just for the hell of it, I attempted to see what I could do from nothing.  I foraged/botanized.  sold what the trader would buy to said trader, got a few coins.  The merchant that had been set up, sold me a carving knife that I could afford.  One of the GMs had set out some treasure chests (which he had commented that some seemed to have disappeared), and found one with some goodies: a hammer and a chain jacket.  And a tabard. Few other bits of stuff.  Frost salve, sleep powder, brown common wool hat.  There were logs laying about, so I could make some pottery tools, but I had nothing to dig the clay with.   So, I cheated, logged on a tester character that was being used to test the login foo, and traded the starter gear from one to the other.  So, now had a shovel, and could dig clay.  Made a few clay things, and even imped them a bit.  Went over to the forge that is part of the starting area, and fired them up to have pottery stuff.  Then, another GM wanted to do a restart for some reason.   So, logged off, and the server was restarted.


Came back ... all the pottery items were gone.  Still had clay in my inventory, though.  Still had the starter gear.  Oh, I'd also made a pendulum, and located water, and the GM dropped a well.  The well was missing, as was the character's pendulum.


I did a few more clay/pottery items, but no idea if they disappeared, because we did a restore from backup, to the point where the character had the starter gear (taken from a tester character), and the "found" gear from the GM dropped chest, and the bought carving knife, and a handful of coins.


Needed to adjust the stats again, so I did that, handed over a silver Vynora statuette, and some studded leather gear, and a steel maul.   With the GM character, I visited the trader, and with a gold five-coin, bought one each small and large magic chests.  Stimulate the economy, and all that.  Gave an additional gold to him as well.  So, it was reported at the time: [13:46:31] Trader_Jeaux says, 'I have 1g, 68s, 35c, 98i.'  Excellent.  And GM had 3 gold, 25 silver.


A mod that I'd been testing was ready to move to the production server, so I did that, restarted, and it failed, because I forgot to also move the required additional mod needed.  Did that, game started up.


I bet you know what happened when logging in.   Yep, character was missing all her new goodies.  Still had the starter gear, but the studded armor, the maul and the statuette were missing.    On the GM?  a gold five-coin.  Initial impression was the the chests were gone, and the trader only had two each, but they resorted themselves to the top of the inventory list.  The trader?  [15:59:57] Trader_Jeaux says, 'I have 1g, 68s, 35c, 98i.'  Oh, and the well is missing again.


And, one of the other GMs reported having his ebony wand go missing.


The test server, I'm not having any disappearing item issues at all.  The only thing different, is that we went from a non-home server on Production, to a home server.  The test server is still a non-home server.  And, we made that change earlier this week.

Also, all logging off has been via the "quit" button (or the server closing), since we don't have any beds set up.  Not sure if that would have anything to do with it, either.


I would appreciate any insight anyone might have into this, since we plan to let the players start logging in and get their stats updated ... would hate for them to start losing stuff right off the bat.



Edited by Tyarra
typos, shame on me!

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