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Portal To Alliance Capital [PvE][QoL]

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I'd like to be able to host events as an alliance. At the moment an alliance can't really do much except utilize a chat we all got. But akin to the Jackal lodestone or portals that port us to server events, I would like to suggest a portal or some item to port to the alliance capital and back.  The capital has pretty much no function at the moment, but I"d love to change that.

To avoid exploitation, I have suggestions:

  • Allow the portal to be built only on deeds that are in an alliance, perhaps even only if they're in an alliance with a capital that has one.
  • Restrict use to once a week or whatever amount of time you feel is appropriate.
  • Give it a minimum cooldown between uses from going to the capital and going back. For example 24 hours.
  • ONLY let people port to the capital and back, not port in between all alliance deeds.
  • Perhaps restrict to premium accounts only, even
  • Perhaps a permission on the village to use the portal under Manage Politics.


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Probably been suggested a few other times, called different ways and so on.. so far.. skipped idea..

ppl keep not spending time together or move much because of the time it takes to move on the server with 20-25km/h on a cart/wagon (that's average, could be slightly better or worse);

on small servers it could mean 30min 1 way or longer trips.. or 2-4x that time.. to get somewhere... returning is of course doubling that time..


so far only option is to buy additional premium for a priest account and grind faith... than keep such a "pet account" to move around the map quicker, while it limits locations and usage by depending on other people and timezones, play-times, location of the priests at the time and so on... (unreliable for time/location/price?)


Even if highway system was made to give rides around the map... scenic road isn't exactly.. fast.. and maybe not bug-free or safe... while teleport-stones/call them however you like../  could be the solution to that 30-60min you have to play now.. and just to help or get help by an ally with something with the help of some instant travel.. to keep the social interaction alive.

/teleports aren't going to kill highway rides if such get into the game.. as you could still get from 1 to another place and see rare spawns champs, unicorns, goblins, pelt farms etc..... around the map with afk highway ride..(again if ever such get into the game), while the other one solves the problem with priests being a movable object while is and isn't premium at times, is/isnt online, is/isnt at the right place or server at the time it's needed etc../

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I think this would be a life saver for server Impalongs, Sermon groups, Rifts and other events.  Getting to one isn't a problem as there are nearly always priests on hand to port you there one way, but it would be nice to have some mode of two-way travel, which can let you choose when to go back home.

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2 minutes ago, Muse said:

I think this would be a life saver for server Impalongs, Sermon groups, Rifts and other events.  Getting to one isn't a problem as there are nearly always priests on hand to port you there one way, but it would be nice to have some mode of two-way travel, which can let you choose when to go back home.

Imagine rifts.. and alians(not local), sailing to shore in.. lets say 9 key-points on the map.. with teleports there.. to get to a Rift event.... 30min 1 way trip saved...


Slap a 250 karma points cost per teleport with a cart/wagon to get your tent,cotton,food,water,healing stuff with you back and forth at the cost of half a mission

(maybe 1k karma etc seems 'cheap' but for non-noobs chasing traitor kills for EASY 1000 karma a kill.. karma's quite hard to grind for average accounts, just BELIEVE ME, most players do not even have a ****** clue what that is..);

oh also make it free teleport for no horse/cart/wagon.. just the player movement.. but or keep it free for every type of movement... idk.. things in a game could be fun.. for once?

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I think this is a good idea because of the reasons stated above by fellow-players but also because it would allow a significant boost to the social / community side of the game- course this is something that a number of people have been saying has been lost in recent years.


New players would also benefit as if part of an alliance they would be able to visit the member deeds and hopefully see for themselves just what is possible in this amazing game. This may possibly significantly reduce new-player loss and even increase the number of players who wish to become premium..


It would also be a 'boon' to those deeds / alliances that enjoy role-play and allow easier events to take place whether these be competitions, impalongs (as suggested by Muse) or even auctions.  


Should the teleport be 'free' or as Finn suggests cost a small amount of karma? I think I would be inclined to charge a small fee (karma or a copper or two) but I am sure others will have their own views and perhaps other suggestions.

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The suggestion of teleporting using karma is a very interesting idea. Too bad it was decided that such a thing needed to be removed from the game a few years back.

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An alliance teleport designed this way won't actually be used for alliances and will instead be gamified with people using it to teleport across the server.  


You are right about needed more convient ways to travel.  Rather than this I throw my support towards the suggestion of allowing autotraveling along the highway system.  That suggestion would also satisfy your desire to host alliance events easier while keeping in wurm spirit.

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15 hours ago, Toma said:

An alliance teleport designed this way won't actually be used for alliances and will instead be gamified with people using it to teleport across the server.  


You are right about needed more convient ways to travel.  Rather than this I throw my support towards the suggestion of allowing autotraveling along the highway system.  That suggestion would also satisfy your desire to host alliance events easier while keeping in wurm spirit.

npc driving you around, isn't exactly in the spirit of wurm.. 


With priest teleport-anywhere on the server.. makes sense to have a teleport to stationary place.. how many of such ports should be able to be created or linked is another topic.. or permissions to use them, as cost.. I do not believe there should be any, could be solved with 2-4 a day per premium character(1-2 for 2silver alts; 0 or 1 for f2p unsure if/how alts could abuse such a feature.. but we'll eventually see)


For me this is just a way to move from A to B to interact with a person or event in the game.. something that right now could cost a lot of time.. for a working person with limited time to play the game.. 30-60minutes travel time.. is total nonsense to deal with.

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53 minutes ago, Finnn said:

for a working person with limited time to play the game.. 30-60minutes travel time.. is total nonsense to deal with.


What in this game is actually congenial to casual play though? Logging in to check the feedstock on some animals so they don't starve and tend some crops is probably about the most someone could manage on a weekday if wurm wasn't a priority in their life. That in itself is probably an hour commitment, especially with needing to keep yourself fed as well. I don't actually know anyone who plays at that casual level so I may be crazy here, but I have to assume the weekend would really be the only time they would be engaging in much of anything beyond maintenance activities or tasks essential to their primary goals.


It would definitely behoove such a player to live on one of the 8x8 servers to minimize travel time and to be part of an active alliance with helpful neighbors and some priests rather than having to spend multiple play sessions just to cross the xanadu server border.


The idea of a travel network isn't terrible especially since it basically already exists anyway with summon soul meaning people no longer have to embark on an adventure and the highways makign it rather difficult to get lost. Any of the arguments against allowing such a network due to the lack of exposure to the world a player would have are somewhat moot as a result of these things. How to implement it in such a way that it doesnt make any other means of travel obsolete however seems a challenge. Its almost as though if you give this inch you may as well go all the way to allowing full teleport to and from any deed linked to the highway system because after a while that is essentially what there would be anyway. Best of luck coming up with solutions to the issues and obtaining the buyin for this to happen though.

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13 hours ago, CreZ said:

What in this game is actually congenial to casual play though? Logging in to check the feedstock on some animals so they don't starve and tend some crops is probably about the most someone could manage on a weekday if wurm wasn't a priority in their life. That in itself is probably an hour commitment, especially with needing to keep yourself fed as well. I don't actually know anyone who plays at that casual level so I may be crazy here, but I have to assume the weekend would really be the only time they would be engaging in much of anything beyond maintenance activities or tasks essential to their primary goals.


It would definitely behoove such a player to live on one of the 8x8 servers to minimize travel time and to be part of an active alliance with helpful neighbors and some priests rather than having to spend multiple play sessions just to cross the xanadu server border.


The idea of a travel network isn't terrible especially since it basically already exists anyway with summon soul meaning people no longer have to embark on an adventure and the highways making it rather difficult to get lost. Any of the arguments against allowing such a network due to the lack of exposure to the world a player would have are somewhat moot as a result of these things. How to implement it in such a way that it doesn't make any other means of travel obsolete however seems a challenge. Its almost as though if you give this inch you may as well go all the way to allowing full teleport to and from any deed linked to the highway system because after a while that is essentially what there would be anyway. Best of luck coming up with solutions to the issues and obtaining the buying for this to happen though.

I will NEVER PLAY to tend to pixel animals.. if the game doesn't provide means to solve that equation.. it's time to pick another game that at least a bit values somebody's time.. it's not fun to tend to tamagochis.. it's a game we all/most/some played below 10.. and that was only because fortnite came later.


Highway system teleport crossed my mind.. but hw system is "trash", it's old-school navigation, beyond that.. makes no sense to make other use of it besides what it is, mostly a restriction to many things when it comes to terraforming in a dynamic world... while it only provides a sign showing you a way to the deed you want to reach if it's in the system.. and wagoner system which I never used.


You could else have a deed in jack-nowhere up on a mountain, below in a cave only reachable by water path or other crazy things... and have a teleport-thingy in there..(right now you can do all that with a priest pet, but if you do not fancy grinding faith or paying extra subscription to run a dumb ass in background just to teleport around... makes sense to ask for a feature that values your time and fancies your good mood while playing the game and gives you some easy mean to play with your friends, rather than keep you away from them and work against your idea of having fun online while playing a game.


priest teleport - gives you specific dynamic teleport locations, can not teleport a mount or cart/wagon/boat, only character

path ability teleport - only to deed or starting town, no mount/cart/wagon/boat; +the rng teleport right for 1 path

jackal teleport - ports you to bunny world

epic teleport - ports you to unepic world


What's another teleport to have if lore already have so many?



Edited by Finnn

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Make teleport use favor ? Also ability to store favor in that portal to work.

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11 minutes ago, Martynas5 said:

Make teleport use favor ? Also ability to store favor in that portal to work.

keeps stuff bound to priests(read as negative feature.. game's faith centric too much as it is already)


at that point.. why not make it drop to QL1 and be useless than; and every use drop ql by 2-5-10;    making it also require a 90 or 99 skilled masonry character to improve it to usable QL?


If you need a priest.. you should need a crafting character able to improve.. but not any alt... make it be a restriction to be having high skill proving it's well skilled in that craft to improve the QL back to usable state


but... than... how fun will such a thing be if you need to tend to it so often?🤔


Why the cost, who does that help? 😴


do you pay now to get your horse out, do you have to disembark often and groom it and manually feed it to be able to move?

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Well you dont need priests to make favor. Just need option for regular character to input it to that portal.

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Favor would work much better than an arbitrary number of teleports per day, it just makes priests capable of using the portals more often. I'd suggest to make the cost a minimum of 30, which any follower (even F2P) can achieve by maxing their faith out and is done rather quickly over a couple of days anyway, but always draining your favor completely (kind of like "Vessel").

Granted, priests can still use it more frequently because they have better favor generation rates especially on 100 faith, but having their favor drained completely is also more of a detriment than for followers, so that weighs eachother out IMO.


Addendum: You could, of course, use them as often as you want as long as you sacc stuff for it, priest or not; the playing field is pretty even there. I'm talking about "free" teleports granted by natural favor regeneration.

Edited by Flubb

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binding it to priests kills the feature for players with no priest alt..

 - and puts even MORE power to priest main-characters to freely move around while other non-priests just can not do the same..

while alternatively.. keeping the mechanic free from priest interaction or favor charging.. lets both parties enjoy the feature (my train of thought... keep the game fun for everybody, not bound to religion and priesthood)


That was 1 thing few people begged and whined for a long time.. to untie priests from non-priests... now "you're pressing to have the problem in reverse.." "all things should be bound to priesthood and all people should be bound to priest services..

Seems like taking a step back..

first bits of favor regen fast... practically puts almost no limits to jump around all day for free... with 5-10min delay waiting to regen 30 favor.. this is no limitation.. 

comparing 1 vs 3 instant teleport uses... seems really off...

- faith is so easy to get in sermons or own party of alts.. shenanigans can get you far..

- another thing is when you know what you're doing .. channeling grind isn't that hard to beat at all .. either..

why should all fun content be bound to 1 class and 2 skills?

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8 hours ago, Flubb said:

Favor would work much better than an arbitrary number of teleports per day, it just makes priests capable of using the portals more often. I'd suggest to make the cost a minimum of 30, which any follower (even F2P) can achieve by maxing their faith out and is done rather quickly over a couple of days anyway, but always draining your favor completely (kind of like "Vessel").

Granted, priests can still use it more frequently because they have better favor generation rates especially on 100 faith, but having their favor drained completely is also more of a detriment than for followers, so that weighs eachother out IMO.


Addendum: You could, of course, use them as often as you want as long as you sacc stuff for it, priest or not; the playing field is pretty even there. I'm talking about "free" teleports granted by natural favor regeneration.


The idea of followers being able to charge it works well however I'd say make it so that players have to imbue a portal with favour to use it (100 favour per teleport).


This means a non-priest can fill it with 3 1/3 bars of favour, and a high level priest can fill it with one full bar of favour.


It isn't priest locked, but it takes effort to maintain.

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Just add rune books like UO has ... need favor to cast ..

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+1 I would find a portal extremely useful as our deed is mid Xan while our alliance capital is north Xan. Traveling to and fro especially in unfavorable wind conditions is very time consuming.

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