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Improved QoL storage on minor foodstuffs

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This is a beautifully complex cooking system, and I love it - but there are a bunch of sub-recipe foods stuffs which are fiddly or time consuming to make which would benefit from an alternative storage method with reduced decay.


For example, I can seal my milk and oil and passata in barrels so it will keep, but it'd be really helpful to make better use of existing items (like, say, pottery jars) as longer term storage for things like jams, breadcrumbs and dry pasta and maybe also for less complex snack foods like candy, chocolate and cookie jars.


I'm not asking for slower decay of full meals or pizzas or more complex foods with high nutrition and affinity timers - I totally understand why those have higher decay rates without individual wrapping. What I'm asking for is a middle ground solution between liquid storage (forever on deed) and prepped meal storage (hours or days without wrapping) for ingredients which, irl, would last weeks or sometimes months in cupboards so that a) exploring the full breadth of the cooking system and the hundreds of recipes in the game is more rewarding and b) so we can have our kitchen shelves lined with labelled  jamjars and biscuit tins and the like.


I don't know - if I'm missing on obvious exploit here, please do flag it up - that's not my intention. It'd just be really nice to have additional logical ways to store some part-processed ingredients, outside of a magical chest, that add to the decor and help us cater for guests without offering them mouldy bikkits. ;)

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