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Steam WO

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I have been hearing people talk about Steam WO and for the life of me I can't find anything about it or what it actually is. Does anyone know anything about this topic and why it has a few people in a tizzy?

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All the info you want to know :)  and reading material for several good hours!

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5 hours ago, Dranana1 said:

I have been hearing people talk about Steam WO and for the life of me I can't find anything about it or what it actually is.


2 of the threads mentioned by Evening are still the featured topics in the city hall section and displayed at the very right column at the "home" site of the forum , for my life I don't know how you missed that when you imply you actually searched for it in any capacity. :P

But to give a TL;DR to answer your actual question because you're probably not in for several hours of reading, good or bad...

People are concerned with:

  • a potentiall exodus to steam WO, leaving the original wurm online even deader (I don't care if that's not a word, it's 1am here and my keyboard contiuously looks more like a pillow to me) than it already is
  • how, when and if a merge between the steam and "classic WO" (often called OGWO in this context), because this is communicated a bit ambiguously, as they like to do, but from what I gathered from Rolf's statements, it's a matter of "how and when", but it should eventually happen.
  • how both versions will be handled concurrently in the future, will there be a separate codebase, and if so, will OGWO be relegated to a sad spinoff that isn't given any attention like WU is, especially if the steam version should take off harder than expected and make OGWO terribly irrelevant/insignificant. This was sparked by remarks from Rolf that there ought to be some QoL improvements to Wurm prior to the Steam release, and for some it sounded as though these improvements, or at least some of them, will be "steam only". From what I read and recall though, steam WO and OGWO ought to be very closely tied together and  have no real differences between eachother. They will even share the login server, making an eventual merge easier. (I guess?)
  • wether the subscription and general payment model (1 sub = 1 toon, +deed costs) will hold up against the steam audience or will it be waved off as "too expensive" if kept as it is? This is a problem Rolf acknowledged, so there are actually some serious considerations going around concerning this topic.

Correct me or add any other major thread of thought I might be missing, but I think that's the gist of it.

Edited by Flubb

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