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Re-roll 100% useless runes on archeology items

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Currently, it is possible to get runes on archeology items that are literally completely useless and do nothing, primarily on pottery items. I don't really see the point of allowing these runes on items where they just don't do anything.


The two examples of useless runes I can think of:

  • Repair-related runes on pottery
  • Improvement-related runes on pottery


Can anyone think of other examples?

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Enchanting related runes, the spells that can shatter or have power don't actually work on it, anyway. To the best of my knowledge and definity not on most pottery items at least.

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Pretty much most runes on pottery dose not help . Only a few that are okay like the grow , shrink , or enlarge runes . The rest are pretty useless unless you like the rune to end up on an odd cooking item to play with the volume of food that the pottery item that is being used. Otherwise pretty much all the runes are useless but here is the complete list that can go on pottery. Rare imp, imp speed, repair, and damage reduction to the item inside. If you think I missed anything please add.

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Branches with BT casts, shafts with woa/coc/bt absolute waste to exist... special wood branches with enchant.. cant even dump in bsb without finding a priest to split the demonic 'chant from the rare wood type branch..


I haven't had a useful enchant that's worth mentioning(no courier/woa/botd/coc/aosp/etc, if I had anything.. if was way below 30 enchant, and that's usually a branch/shaft woa cast..)

Best finds were with BT cast on them... and not all useful of course branch/shaft/crude-tools/shovel/scythe/staff; on the other side you can collect ql90+ fragments and finish a ql99-100 weapon with fragments to sell later for a good 5-10s or w/e, maybe 5copper with today's economy.


Masks.. sad story.. when you have a low ql one.. and can't improve it.. we had to whine and beg for statues to be improve-able.. and situation improved there.. on the other side... think new chaos mobs can damage masks,  had my mask take some damage with mobs at impalong so.. cool that we can have them take damage and repair them... but there's no way to improve them.. as they do not provide any benefit other than the visual 'skin' modifier I can't think of a reason why we cant improve these..(let's not talk about rift shoulders..)


As for pottery /arch finds.. I find only volume/size/weight/content-decay/glow runes to be somewhat useful.. and even they .. aren't really any perk that it's worth to mention to anybody, as it barely changes anything.


Hopefully.. some day arch skill-restoration could be used to rearrange runes on items.. and make replacement a bit more flexible to turn the items into useful ones... (as it is.. we can only replace last rune.. and dispel them in same order, these who aren't or do not have priest have to find one...-

Too many runes, too few are actually useful.. and only on specific tools.. leading to this situation.. if it rolls all possible runes.. no wonder we get funny combinations.

With the fun metal properties.. supreme tool of odd metal is just as good as normal+gathering rune.., I'm kidding it's worse than the normal -_-

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I just kind of always thought of it as... Part of the game, sometimes you get runes/enchants that are great for the item, and sometimes you don't.

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