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Wandering Monster/Invasion mod?

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I'm not sure if this is possible, but I was wondering if there is any way to have a wandering monster or small horde of monsters spawn near a settlement and attack it? I play WU by myself, mostly as a relaxing medieval peasant simulator, but I thought it might be fun to throw in something a little like 7 Days to Die's Blood Moon mechanic where you periodically have to fight off monsters. Ideally it would scale in difficulty over time so that you're not fighting dragons on day one, but I was just curious if this kind of thing is easy, hard or impossible to implement.




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spawning the mobs isn't hard, can't really make them path a specific direction though. I did release a mod which you can basically make your own events, you sacrifice stuff in an altar which builds up power, you can then summon mobs depending on that power level. All adjustable by the admin which would be you in this case. I did it to create slay events without the need of a GM doing the work. 

Scroll down to 'Rift Event (event spawner)'

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