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Filling multiple containers.

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So now that cooking's more complex, and we have the praiseworthy measuring jugs.. they accidentally hit QoL.


Say I wanna fill 6 cauldrons with 3.5kg of water each, that's a lot of back and forth dragging.


Two ways around it, one would be setting volume on the jugs with a pop-up window where we can manually input the figure (my favorite option, though I can see it potentially becoming more coding than necessary)...... 




Grab my 2kg, 1kg, and 0.5kg measuring jugs,  grab a barrel full of water... 

Activate water, rightclick the stack of jugs, and "fill" them.


Either one would make cooking and brewing more efficient imho.


So, how 'bout it, devssess?  =D

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If the realism of needing to fill multiple measuring cups and not just having a measuring cup that measures out precisely .31591 kg. of liquid is what they are going for then what you wrote here:

"Grab my 2kg, 1kg, and 0.5kg measuring jugs,  grab a barrel full of water... 

Activate water, rightclick the stack of jugs, and 'fill' them."

Seems like a pretty innovative and solid way to make it less tedious while keeping the realism. 


Edited by Eldurian
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