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Catfish size

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Unsure if this is the right category.. if it's for bugs.. it is.. else..

Please bring some sanity to stored catfish, it's taking CRAZY amount of space


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The problem is that, in order to avoid recalculating the volume inside the BSB (probably too finnecky to get a hold of), stored fish is assumed to be 100QL. (Actually I'm just assuming that, it is, however, some fixed value per fish type, whether it's derived from 100QL or not doesn't exactly pertain to the point I'm gonna make)

The best way to store them currently is by fileting them, and personally I don't mind that too bad, but if we go down that rabbithole...


1 catfish take up 150 liters, while a catfish filet takes up a little below 0.084 liters. (For reference, I have 6193 filets taking up 520,21 liters)

That means a catfish takes up space worth about 1785 filets.

A fish that, when taken out at 100QL, would weigh 25kg, with each filet of it weighing 0,3kg, making the fish outside the BSB worth 83 filets and a piece of tailfin.

In summary: Catfish in BSB = Volume worth 1785 filets, Catfish outside of BSB at 100QL = Weight worth 83 filets.


(And don't nitpick about guts not being used "realistically", butchery of fish pretty much uses every single gram it can in Wurm.)

The volume to weight ratio is seriously off on these. And I'm pretty sure other fish should be checked aswell, but catfish are certainly the main perpetrator. I can kinda live with the assumption of 100QL fish, I don't think it' such a huge limitation to our storage, but strictly speaking the volume usage of catfish should be about 21 times smaller than it currently is. That's rounded down, so that fileting is still slightly more compact, as it should. But not quantum compression levels of compact as it is now.


EDIT: And even then fileting is 4 times more efficient for storage when storing 25QL catfish, thanks to the fixed volume usage per fish...

Edited by Flubb
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It's good to hear from someone who really knows their Catfish Science  ?





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