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Archaeology Overhaul

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Digging deeper
At higher levels, we should be able to pull up more items per action. I propose that this work similar to how forage/botanize works where the action is extended out but has multiple "ticks" where something can be gathered. Each stage will extend your action by 1 base action time and give a chance to each extension to gather an item at increasingly higher difficulty.

1 skill - 1 base action time, 1 possible item gathered
30 skill - new action is +5 difficulty from base
50 skill - new action is +10 difficulty from base
70 skill - new action is +15 difficulty from base
90 skill - new action is +20 difficulty from base
95 skill - new action is +25 difficulty from base
99 skill - new action is +30 difficulty from base

As I understand it, higher difficulty = better tier items. So to counter this, any "failure" will stop the action where it is - making it fairly uncommon for the +30 difficulty tick to even be attempted.


Restoration basin
A moderate sized tub that, when items are placed inside it and restored with the chisel/metal brush, the debris from the restoration will gather in the bottom of the basin.
Debris removed during the chisel phase will gather as rockshards

Debris removed during the metal brush phase will gather as dirt
*I know that this was be a negligible amount of rock/dirt gathered through this process, and I feel that some people would be annoyed by the extra parts, so I suggest that these debris components ONLY appear when items are restored in the basin and are discarded automatically when restored elsewhere


Prying off runes
An insanely difficult action (like 90 restoration with a 90 QL chisel should only give about a 20% chance of success) but we should be able to remove runes from items so we can attach them elsewhere.


Rune stacking
The citizens of the past clearly found ways to get more than 1 rune on an object and I feel that we should be able to study their ways.
At 70 restoration - a second rune can be attached to an object at a +20 difficulty
At 90 restoration - a third rune can be attached to an object at a +40 difficulty

The grinder
I get a fair amount of stuff that is completely worthless to me and it either gets left in the field or flushed down the Vynora toilet. I propose that we intoduce another new item - the archaeology grinder - to help deal with these items. Whenever 100 identified fragments are placed into this machine and it is used, it will reduce all 100  fragments down into a single archaeology powder.

Archaeology powder can be applied to tools to give 1 power to an archaeology imbue (max 100) which will slightly increase the performance of said tool in archaeology.
Trowel/shovel - higher QL fragments and an increase in chance of getting higher teir items
Chisel/brush - takes off a little more debris and increase chance of getting alloy


For a fully upgraded set of trowel/chisel/brush, it would take 30,000 junk items. So get to work!


Edited by bp1986
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