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Change cooking system to use weight/proportion

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I would like to suggest that the cooking system get changed so that recipes/cooking work based on proportions/weight instead of item count. I know that somethings do already work like this such as moonshine and other beverages, but it would be nice and a HUGE QoL improvement if other things worked this way such as cooked rice. I definitely think this should be something to consider, if it is not already, for down the road after more important/need changes.

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Really wish people would stop using the term QoL if 90% of the work is being taken out for you.



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Not sure if I follow but the idea is to increase the quality or affinity timer or anything at all other than meal weight because of weight? So if I combine 1kg of the cheapest ingredient with another 1kg of the same ingredient I get better or the same result than 1kg of foraged + 1kg multipart? -11

Edited by Locath

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This would vastly improve some things, such as adding the ability to make larger quantities of tea.

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Sorry if my original post was exactly clear. I am not talking about the affinities or having work done for you. Like with moonshine you can make it with 1 barley + 1 sugar + 200% of the weight of the items in water, but you can also use 10 barley + 10 sugar + 200% of the weight of the items in water and make a batch that is the same affinity just a bigger quantity of moonshine. You can't do this with some things though such as cooked rice. With cooked rice you can only use 1 rice + the amount of water needed (not sure how much because I don't make it often), but you can not cook 10 rice + the water need to make a bigger batch and save yourself some time and mouse clicks. Just makes the whole process easier and a little more realistic. I mean could you imagine only being able to cook 1 serving of rice at a time. 

Edited by Badrad
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