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Permissions issue with mine door

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Recently had an issue with mine doors on Epic.


The issue is that despite setting the mine doors to allow alliance members to pass they could not do so, despite removing the door and replacing it, the issue was only able to be resolved by passing ownership to another player, who could then set the permissions for the door.


I set to mine door to Kingdom access, and that worked, it was only alliance access that would not work, no matter what I tried, there were no error messages in events, just the expected confirmation message that the permissions had been changed, even though an alliance member still could not pass through.


This did not affect just one mine door, but two, either end of a cave canal, neither would function until ownership of both was changed to the other player.


Note: I have over 30 mine doors under my control, with various settings, most are only set to allow me, village members or alliance to pass, so far only this pair of doors has exhibited this issue, so it may be a one off glitch, (or two off), or it may be related to the number of mine doors I have under my control.

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Where these mine doors on a deed that you where not a citizen of?

Was it all alliance members or just a select few.
(In case it was a problem with those select people not having the "Allow actions on allied deed" role ticked on.)

When you switched ownership of the deed. Was it to someone who was a citizen of your deed, or to someone that was a citizen of a different deed?


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The doors are not on deed at all, they are used for secure access at either end of a cave canal, so permissions restrictions are important in that respect.


One of the doors was on deed for a short time, as a temporary deed was required to remove a reinforced wall section in the cave, however the problem affects both ends of the tunnel, or affected, since giving an other player control of the doors meant they were able to set alliance permissions correctly.


The problem has been worked around, but the cause still remains unsolved, I posted more as a heads up, and to suggest a possible solution should others find the same issue in future.

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Often members of other villages in the alliance may not have the role 'allow action on allied deeds'. This could be the problem you have encountered.

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