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[Bug] Rift Items Are Not Working

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This is mostly obvious already, but here goes: Rift Items are not working or functioning as intended:
Confirmed Not Working:
Short sword bracelet - This bracelet has the symbol of a short sword engraved. It is very stable and has much energy left. It can not be improved.
Huge sword bracelet - This bracelet has the symbol of a two handed sword engraved. It is very stable and has much energy left. It can not be improved.
Socketed Ring - This ring has a socket for a gem. You could add a gem in the empty socket. It is very stable and has much energy left. It can not be improved.
Bracelet of Inspiration - The aura around this bracelet emits enhancing magic. It is very stable and has much energy left. It can not be improved.
Artisan Necklace - A delicate necklace with artisan symbols. It helps improving items to a higher level. It is very stable and has much energy left. It can not be improved.
Dark Ring - A dark ring that blends unnaturally well into any shadows. It can not be improved.
Seems to be working:
Necklace of focus - A large symbol of inner strength hangs from this necklace. It is very stable and has much energy left. It can not be improved.
Missing from list:
1)Long sword bracelet.
2)That ring that detects stealth mode easier.
3)That other ring that prevents swimming damage.
I am 100% sure I am missing some items besides shoulders. I can't seem to find the rest of them as they are somewhere in the abyss of rift items. Will check more later. Shoulder pads are a different story.
Please look into this when the time becomes available. It has been quite a while and this is something everyone can enjoy. Thank you!

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Hi, I believe we have this on the list, but could you also clarify by what you mean with each thing not working? 

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Not working = Unable to use the item and confirm that it is in fact working. Bracelets do not equip properly and are extremely bugging when equipping anything else. They basically unequip themselves and no matter the usage the charges do not deplete which in turn confirms they are not working.


Socketed ring does nothing. Basically, anything with a charge on it does nothing.


The items without charges seem to actually be working. E.g. Soul Stealer Necklace/dark ring.


Clarification is what we need from developers on these items. If its on the list then it has been for over 700 days.


The bracelets should also equip and unequip easily without any frustration or need to senselessly move items around in your inventory.

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Based on your post history you play on epic? Rift items intentionally don't work on pvp

Edited by MrGARY

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That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. I mean, I understand what you are saying but seems completely illogical.


Please make rift items work for Chaos and Epic.


Edit: Also, thank you good sir for your reply.

Edited by EpicDude

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It's a bit illogical. People on chaos can use them and it's a pvp environment. People on epic can't and it's a pvp environment. 

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