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Intended or not?

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So, yesterday I was remaking my cooking utensils as steel and one happened to rare. It was a spoon.

Since I've been steadily working on my Dairy Food Making skill (50.60 skill) and I knew DFM sets the Cream QL...I went to test whether the rare would give a +1 to QL on cream QL. It did. I got 51.60 QL cream.

That's not the issue. The issue came when I went to make Whipped Cream out of the Cream with a non-rare fork.

It took the 51.60 QL cream, and turned it into...wait for it...50.60 QL whipped cream. Because the fork wasn't rare. It was like it didn't even notice it'd gained a QL and just went back to skill level setting.

Is this intended? Or a side effect of setting the skill as the QL that is perhaps giving an unintended result? There was no variation in 3 batches. It always set it back like this.

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It doesn't record that it's made with a rare+ tool, so it's just capped at your dairy making. You'll need a rare fork to increase the ql.

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Rare tools allow you to exceed the skill cap, so even if you had 100ql cream, it'd be capped by your skill at 50.60


So it is intended, but thank you for reporting 



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