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Turrets, Towers, and PVP Questions

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I have a few questions (within the context of PVP lands) I would really appreciate answers to.  The wiki is vague or does not provide the information completely.


1.  If you low-wall the tile a turret or an archery tower is planted on (all 4 sides), will the turret or archery tower shoot over those low stone walls or will the walls block the turret and tower from firing?

2.  Same question, but with tall and pali walls.

3.  Do turrets need to be planted in order to function?  I ask only because I have seen deeds with turrets placed (not planted) only a few tiles apart as if they expect them to work.

4.  Do catapults file over tall and pali walls or do those tall walls have to be destroyed before the cat can reach walls beyond?  The wiki indicates yes, but has anyone tested it?

5.  When a catapult hits a multi-storied building, does it damage the top level only, working down to the ground, or do all levels on that tile receive damage?


Thanks to anyone who can answer these questions accurately.


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So, a catapult will have a set trajectory, its always an arc and it depends on ur wings and the angle of the catapult, so it can go above a wall, above a building, above a 5 story building if its set to. And it will always damage what it  hits, if u hit the 2nd floor wall, it will damage only that.

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I am interested in the answers to these questions as well, esp. as refers to archery towers and turrets.  Thanks.  

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