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Random Enkounters

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Today's Random Enkounter proudly brought to you by the residents of the old haunted Golden Valley grave yard - Don't forget to feed your undead folk some nice chewy BRAINZZZ this Halloween season.


Today's Enkounter wound up on Chaos.  Four participants attempted four very brain wracking challenges.

First, an I Spy.  They had to identify an item within 15 tiles of myself that was once a beloved item of Fo until they killed it and was now just 40.35ql....  They failed...  they failed miserably.

The second challenge was to identify a terrifying beast that often chased new people, yet did not actually exist.  After some time Wargasm correctly identified the beast as the Jackal!

The third challenge was a doozy...  They had to round up 20 shafts within 3 minutes...  So Necroedarkslayer turned around grabbed 20 shafts and dropped them at my feet with plenty of time to spare.


The fourth challenge they faced was one for the animals.  Dagobert, Grumpyman, Necroedarkslayer, and Wargasm had to shut down a NoGump puppy mill.  16 NoGump Puppies were eventually put out of their misery.... not the puppies misery, the participants... In actuality I think the puppies would have been just as happy to continue chewing on humans....


In the end, for failing the first challenge, the 20 gold coin and the chance at entering the super secret hidden crystal palace level was removed from their random offerings.  All they got for their efforts was a few statues, some mixed grass, some planks, some eggs, sausage, and toast, and of course a roasting dish.  All the items they needed to start up a bed and breakfast.


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Today's Random Enkounter occurred on Serenity.


Roccandil had to overcome 3 challenges. 

Challenge number 1 - By the NT calendar when did the Gateways to the new lands of Wurm open.  He answered correctly!  Could you?

Challenge number 2 - If the gods like to rest their feet and watch some TV, where would they do it?  Again he answered correctly!

Challenge number 3 - A not so wild herd of horses saw something they should not have and it was up to Roccandil to silence them to keep his secret safe.  After permanently silencing the 13 Mister Ed offspring's, Roccandil had to make sure that no one had over heard the talking horses talking about what they saw him do and to this end he assassinated Wilbur with a lethal arrow to the throat.


Roccandil's secret is safe for now.... and he received enough stuff to venture into the wilderness and live good until the heat dies down!

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That was fun; thanks, Enki. :) When I rounded the corner and saw you standing there, I was wondering what new mob I was being challenged with. Then I saw "Enki", and knew I was in for it! :P

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Today I landed on Exodus and ended up in the middle of a varied group of people.  Apparently they had just been involved in a rift event.


The group had to overcome a whopping 2 challenges. 

First challenge was to tell me what wiped out most of the humans around 130 years after the last of the Ageless were killed.

Second challenge had a dual element to it.  30 Multipurpose Grippers had escaped after getting tired of being used to hold planks on walls, and they had to archer them to death!

Those without bows and arrows had to face off against 25 very greedy and evil Loan Sharks.  They were angry about not being paid back by a relative of one of the participants who had apparently borrowed 25 cents about 20 years back and they were coming to collect along with the 150% interest it accrued every 30 days since.  The Loan Sharks were not prepared for a mob of ruffians looking for seafood salad meats.  It seems they were all bark and no real bite.


The 10 participants received a very random assortment of Italian style foods including pizzas, and plenty of wood scraps and small nails for their participation!

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Today's random encounter brought to you by Pumpkins.  - 'Carve up our faces will you.  We will have our revenge!'


Blaca was the only person to be in local today when the randomizer randomly selected the random location I randomly appeared at, and for that Blaca was subjected to 2 challenges.

First challenge was as such.  'We have one reddish, one bluish, and one ##### of these.  What color is the thrd one of these.  Blaca correctly stated that Seris was 'whitish'


Second, Blaca had to kill 11 Baconated Grapefruits.  An all too simple task I fear, but one that will make a lot of very nutritious breakfasts!


For succeeding at both tasks Blaca received half a set of contractor grade bridge making tools and plenty of beer needed to stand by and oversee the work not being done.

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Today's Random Enkounter found Vern on Pristine turning a mountain into a hill.


Interrupting his activities I challenged him to 3 tasks.

Bring me 10 bricks within 5 minutes,  Tell me what event occurs when the home of the gods intersects with the home of the demons, and a great creature challenge of eradicating the Ravenous Burrito Bugs from Pristine.


Vern had no trouble with any of it except for a couple of bugs that tried to escape up a mountain, but they were not out of the reach of Vern's sword.  Thanks to his efforts the Burrito Bugs are now extinct!  At least until we need to bring them back for a large barbecue cook out.


For his winnings, an entire supply of catering for a birthday party.  At least Vern gets lots of cake and cookies and lemonade...  Whether he shares or not is another story.



This marks our 30th Random Enkounter in 30 consecutive days!  Keep an eye out, you never know where, what, or when I might appear.


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Thank you Enki.  It has been alot of fun reading all of the stories.

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Today for a special Halloween edition Random Enkounter I found Daash.


He had up to 3 challenges to face.

Sadly he failed the first challenge and his brain was eaten by the 6 Brain Slugs....  He did not win the giant solid gold Halloween pumpkin, but he did receive a troll mask ripped from a fresh troll for participating.


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It be the midnight hour and Galadhel on Xanadu had the unfortunate luck to have Randomly Enkountered me on Halloween.


He attempted the three challenges, and managed to keep his brain away from the Ravenous Brain Suckers, then for his transgressions against the Great Pumpkin, Galadhel had to face the army of 12 Great ArachnoPumkins.  Now there are 12 giant jack o'lanterns littering the fields.


During the third challenge Alkhadias had the misfortune to stroll through as a horde of Trick or Treat'rs were released.  They wanted candied brains and sugared blood, but the massive horde had to fight for their treats and both Galadhel and Alkhadias selfishly wanted to keep what brains they had to themselves.

It turned into quite the challenge and Alkhadias chose a very Halloween appropriate solution  "<Alkhadias> if you can't beat an army, summon your own"  and so he did!


It took a lot of effort, but both of them managed to keep their brains out of the Halloween horde's greedy little hands and Alkhadias won a Halloween costume of an undertaker and some Halloween candy.  Galadhel on the other hand, after surviving all three special Halloween edition Random Enkounter challenges received an entire Monster Hunter kit.  He is now equipped to handle everything from zombies and werewolves, to vampires.  He also received a cauldron of yummy Halloween style goulash and rat on a stick, as well as some candy.


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That was awesome! Thanks Enki, didn't expected that while I was watching Galadhel's battle, some other horde will just randomly spawn around me. And I gotta admit, your army has beaten mine, maybe I really should pay them better... anything. 




In memory of Skeleton Guards, who fought so brave for their master, because they had no other choice, and died, once again- and now they're free. 

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Of all the places the randomizer could have chosen....  I popped up on Pristine and there she was....  Maladee the Goodhearted....  Don't let the name fool you!


Maladee had to face 2 challenges.  First the invasion of the Jack o Lanterns.  With the help of her guards Maladee eventually cleared her gardens of them, but thinking she was triumphant, she missed one very clever one that was waiting in ambush....  unfortunately its trick was no match for the cold hard steel of her blade.


Next Maladee had to take on the Halloween Horde...  when the Trick or Treaters showed up at her door she wasted no time doling out the cutlery as she chopped them all up.  About this time Gofs showed up on scene and entered the fray and both of them were fighting the horde of witches, and goblins, and plague carriers.  It was a long battle as Maladee paid the guards off to fight on her side.  Gofs had to go it alone...  The rest of the story is recorded for posterity.


Gofs survived the onslaught of the second challenge and received a great big heap of spaghetti and meatballs, along with a few mementos, and Maladee received a large barrel full of stuff including scraps of gold for surviving both challenges.


note: some typos corrected for fun


[20:05:24] <Enki> Greetings!
[20:05:31] <Maladee> again?
[20:05:33] <Enki> Oh no...!!!  You again!
[20:05:58] <Maladee> I put locks on the gates for a reason.. at least knock
[20:06:47] <Enki> I can't... knocking has not been added to my repertoire of tools
[20:07:16] <Maladee> you are the creepiest thing I have seen
[20:07:17] <Enki> So what say you???  Wanna play Random Enkounters?
[20:07:35] <Maladee> eh.. bring it! I can use more crates
[20:07:59] <Enki> Alright...  Lets see what horriffic ordeals you must overcome today
[20:08:23] <Enki> You have 2 challenges!
[20:09:10] <Maladee> *taps paw* hurry up
[20:09:13] <Enki> First challenge!  You are being invaded by Jack O' Lanterns!  Defeat them before thye eat your beets!
[20:09:26] <Maladee> oh no you didn't!
[20:11:27] <Enki> Will you survive or will I win!
[20:11:41] <Maladee> yeah yeah.. you are enjoying this aren't you
[20:11:56] Enki where is that evil grin emote
[20:12:13] <Maladee> help
[20:12:13] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Flee, aged alert jack o lantern!
[20:12:13] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I come as well, aged alert jack o lantern.
[20:12:13] <Freedom Isles tower guard> You better believe it, aged alert jack o lantern.
[20:12:13] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I see the aged alert jack o lantern.
[20:12:18] <Maladee> help
[20:12:28] <Maladee> I have guards :D
[20:12:37] <Maladee> help
[20:12:37] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Stop that immediately, aged alert jack o lantern!
[20:12:37] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Beware of me as well, aged alert jack o lantern.
[20:13:11] <Maladee> oh that's mean lol
[20:13:50] <Maladee> help
[20:13:50] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Flee, old fierce jack o lantern!
[20:13:50] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Beware of me as well, old fierce jack o lantern.
[20:13:50] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I'll help with the old fierce jack o lantern.
[20:13:50] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I'll help with the old fierce jack o lantern.
[20:14:49] <Enki> A little 'bleeding' never hurt anybody.... much
[20:14:53] <Maladee> I will heal and then zap your minions!
[20:17:34] <Maladee> help
[20:17:34] <Freedom Isles tower guard> It is my duty to inform you that this is the end, old alert jack o lantern!
[20:17:34] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I see the old alert jack o lantern.
[20:17:34] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Coming for the old alert jack o lantern.
[20:17:34] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Joining in on the old alert jack o lantern.
[20:17:51] <Enki> It seems some of them wish to show leniency for your generous growth of pumpkin patches
[20:18:43] <Maladee> help
[20:18:43] <Freedom Isles tower guard> My pleasure, venerable fierce jack o lantern!
[20:18:43] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Now we are two, venerable fierce jack o lantern.
[20:18:43] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Whoa! Here I come, venerable fierce jack o lantern.
[20:18:43] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I also found the venerable fierce jack o lantern.
[20:18:55] <Maladee> help
[20:18:55] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Goodbye, mature alert jack o lantern!
[20:18:55] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Beware of me as well, mature alert jack o lantern.
[20:18:55] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I come as well, mature alert jack o lantern.
[20:18:55] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Whoa! Here I come, mature alert jack o lantern.
[20:19:18] <Maladee> help
[20:19:18] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Run quickly now, aged alert jack o lantern!
[20:19:18] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Beware of me as well, aged alert jack o lantern.
[20:19:18] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I see the aged alert jack o lantern.
[20:19:18] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Joining in on the aged alert jack o lantern.
[20:19:33] <Maladee> help
[20:19:33] <Freedom Isles tower guard> My pleasure, mature alert jack o lantern!
[20:19:33] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I come as well, mature alert jack o lantern.
[20:19:33] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I also found the mature alert jack o lantern.
[20:19:33] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I'll help with the mature alert jack o lantern.
[20:20:42] <Maladee> help
[20:20:42] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Goodbye, mature alert jack o lantern!
[20:20:42] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Joining in on the mature alert jack o lantern.
[20:20:42] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Now we are two, mature alert jack o lantern.
[20:20:42] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I also found the mature alert jack o lantern.
[20:21:06] <Maladee> help
[20:21:06] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Flee, old fierce jack o lantern!
[20:21:06] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I see the old fierce jack o lantern.
[20:21:06] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I see the old fierce jack o lantern.
[20:21:06] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I see the old fierce jack o lantern.
[20:22:42] <Maladee> help
[20:22:42] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Run quickly now, venerable fierce jack o lantern!
[20:22:42] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Whoa! Here I come, venerable fierce jack o lantern.
[20:22:42] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I come as well, venerable fierce jack o lantern.
[20:22:42] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Joining in on the venerable fierce jack o lantern.
[20:22:47] <Maladee> help
[20:23:00] <Maladee> help
[20:23:22] <Enki> Just think of all the pies you could make from them
[20:23:36] <Maladee> eww
[20:23:58] <Enki> or bread!
[20:24:13] <Maladee> you have strange tastes
[20:25:15] <Maladee> muwahaha! your minions are dead!
[20:25:23] <Enki> oh yeah?
[20:25:44] <Maladee> don't you dare
[20:25:49] <Enki> muahahahaha....  there be one laying in wait soemwhere
[20:26:21] <Enki> I do not know what plan it has in store, but it is still alive!
[20:26:42] <Maladee> oh that little punk! hiding in here
[20:27:00] <Enki> and it is not that alive anymore...
[20:27:00] <Maladee> now they are dead and you failed to kill me! for now..
[20:27:36] <Enki> it is still the halloween season.  Time for all manner of stirrings
[20:27:43] <Enki> Challenge #2
[20:27:59] <Maladee> oh holy hell kittens.. I spoke too soon
[20:28:12] <Enki> Survive the Halloween Hordes!
[20:28:20] <Maladee> seriously??
[20:28:42] <Maladee> that would be angry shoppers
[20:28:56] <Maladee> help
[20:28:56] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Flee, brainzzz!
[20:28:56] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Now we are two, brainzzz.
[20:28:56] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I also found the brainzzz.
[20:28:56] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Joining in on the brainzzz.
[20:29:42] <Maladee> help
[20:29:42] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Goodbye, brainzzz!
[20:29:42] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I come as well, brainzzz.
[20:29:42] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I also found the brainzzz.
[20:29:42] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I come as well, brainzzz.
[20:30:50] <Maladee> help
[20:30:50] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Forgive me, adolescent squeekzees!
[20:30:50] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I'll help with the adolescent squeekzees.
[20:30:50] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I see the adolescent squeekzees.
[20:30:50] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I also found the adolescent squeekzees.
[20:31:34] <Gofs> heh
[20:31:42] <Gofs> interesting i can hear sound of fight
[20:31:46] <Gofs> but cant locate it
[20:31:48] <Enki> Do we have another participant?
[20:32:09] <Gofs> duno what going on mby :D
[20:32:25] <Maladee> lol go torture him!
[20:32:31] <Maladee> attempted murder, I say
[20:33:01] <Maladee> help
[20:33:01] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I will terminate frankie!
[20:33:01] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Whoa! Here I come, frankie.
[20:33:01] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Coming for the frankie.
[20:33:01] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Whoa! Here I come, frankie.
[20:33:34] <Enki> This be a Random Enkounter!  If you wish to play you must come and participate in the holiday festivities
[20:33:44] <Maladee> help
[20:33:44] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I have to slay you now, frankie!
[20:33:44] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I come as well, frankie.
[20:33:44] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I come as well, frankie.
[20:33:44] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Beware of me as well, frankie.
[20:33:52] <Maladee> help
[20:34:15] <Maladee> help
[20:34:15] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Flee, frankie!
[20:34:15] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Now we are two, frankie.
[20:34:15] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Whoa! Here I come, frankie.
[20:34:15] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Beware of me as well, frankie.
[20:34:15] <Gofs> heere locked gates
[20:34:17] <Gofs> i cant
[20:35:08] <Enki> You cannot escape me!
[20:35:16] <Maladee> help
[20:35:16] <Freedom Isles tower guard> It is my duty to inform you that this is the end, frankie!
[20:35:16] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I'll help with the frankie.
[20:35:16] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Joining in on the frankie.
[20:35:16] <Freedom Isles tower guard> You better believe it, frankie.
[20:35:23] <Maladee> yeah yeah, I am winning!
[20:36:53] <Enki> Remember, you must survive!
[20:36:56] <Maladee> these are cute
[20:37:36] <Maladee> help
[20:37:36] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Flee, frankie!
[20:37:36] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I come as well, frankie.
[20:37:36] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Whoa! Here I come, frankie.
[20:37:36] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I see the frankie.
[20:37:49] <Maladee> help
[20:37:49] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I have to hurt you now, aged squeekzees!
[20:37:49] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I come as well, aged squeekzees.
[20:37:49] <Freedom Isles tower guard> You better believe it, aged squeekzees.
[20:37:49] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I come as well, aged squeekzees.
[20:38:13] <Maladee> help
[20:38:13] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I have to hurt you now, aged trickortreater!
[20:38:13] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Beware of me as well, aged trickortreater.
[20:38:13] <Freedom Isles tower guard> You better believe it, aged trickortreater.
[20:38:13] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Joining in on the aged trickortreater.
[20:38:30] <Maladee> help
[20:39:32] <Maladee> help
[20:39:32] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I have to slay you now, aged squeekzees!
[20:39:32] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Joining in on the aged squeekzees.
[20:39:32] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I come as well, aged squeekzees.
[20:39:32] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Joining in on the aged squeekzees.
[20:39:50] <Maladee> help
[20:39:50] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Flee, frankie!
[20:39:50] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I also found the frankie.
[20:40:08] <Enki> Will Gofs survive!
[20:40:12] <Maladee> help
[20:40:12] <Freedom Isles tower guard> It is my duty to inform you that this is the end, venerable greenish witch!
[20:40:12] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Joining in on the venerable greenish witch.
[20:40:12] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I see the venerable greenish witch.
[20:40:12] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Now we are two, venerable greenish witch.
[20:40:21] <Maladee> don't care about him
[20:40:23] <Maladee> I will!
[20:40:37] <Maladee> right after I heal
[20:40:42] <Enki> Your name is a lie Maladee the Goodhearted!
[20:41:34] <Maladee> help
[20:41:34] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Run quickly now, old greenish witch!
[20:41:34] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Joining in on the old greenish witch.
[20:41:46] <Maladee> help
[20:41:46] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I will terminate adolescent squeekzees!
[20:41:46] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Joining in on the adolescent squeekzees.
[20:41:57] <Maladee> help
[20:42:41] <Maladee> help
[20:42:41] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I have to slay you now, frankie!
[20:42:41] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Joining in on the frankie.
[20:42:41] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Beware of me as well, frankie.
[20:42:41] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Whoa! Here I come, frankie.
[20:43:06] <Enki> What is to stop Gofs from using your guards to assist in his efforts!!!  hint...hint..
[20:43:26] <Maladee> help
[20:43:26] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Goodbye, venerable lurking trickortreater!
[20:43:26] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Beware of me as well, venerable lurking trickortreater.
[20:44:06] <Gofs> no no im fine with no guards
[20:44:13] <Gofs> only care about weapon and shield dmg
[20:44:14] <Gofs> >.<
[20:44:26] <Maladee> help
[20:44:26] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Goodbye, adolescent trickortreater!
[20:44:26] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Coming for the adolescent trickortreater.
[20:44:26] <Freedom Isles tower guard> You better believe it, adolescent trickortreater.
[20:44:26] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Coming for the adolescent trickortreater.
[20:44:45] <Maladee> help
[20:45:54] <Maladee> help
[20:45:54] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I have to slay you now, aged squeekzees!
[20:45:54] <Freedom Isles tower guard> You better believe it, aged squeekzees.
[20:45:54] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Now we are two, aged squeekzees.
[20:45:54] <Freedom Isles tower guard> You better believe it, aged squeekzees.
[20:46:03] <Maladee> help
[20:46:03] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I have to slay you now, venerable lurking trickortreater!
[20:46:03] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I come as well, venerable lurking trickortreater.
[20:46:03] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Joining in on the venerable lurking trickortreater.
[20:46:03] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I also found the venerable lurking trickortreater.
[20:46:28] <Maladee> help
[20:46:28] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Run quickly now, adolescent greenish witch!
[20:46:28] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Joining in on the adolescent greenish witch.
[20:47:04] <Maladee> help
[20:47:04] <Freedom Isles tower guard> My pleasure, adolescent greenish witch!
[20:47:04] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I see the adolescent greenish witch.
[20:47:04] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Beware of me as well, adolescent greenish witch.
[20:47:04] <Freedom Isles tower guard> You better believe it, adolescent greenish witch.
[20:48:09] <Maladee> help
[20:48:19] <Enki> You are not done yet Gofs!  You must face the horde of Halloween!
[20:48:23] <Maladee> help
[20:48:23] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Forgive me, old greenish witch!
[20:48:23] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I come as well, old greenish witch.
[20:48:23] <Freedom Isles tower guard> You better believe it, old greenish witch.
[20:48:23] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Now we are two, old greenish witch.
[20:48:38] <Maladee> help
[20:48:38] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Stop that immediately, old greenish witch!
[20:48:38] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I come as well, old greenish witch.
[20:49:06] <Maladee> help
[20:49:31] <Maladee> help
[20:50:11] <Maladee> help
[20:50:11] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I have to hurt you now, aged lurking trickortreater!
[20:50:11] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I come as well, aged lurking trickortreater.
[20:50:11] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I see the aged lurking trickortreater.
[20:50:11] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I also found the aged lurking trickortreater.
[20:50:35] <Maladee> help
[20:50:35] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Flee, aged greenish witch!
[20:50:35] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Now we are two, aged greenish witch.
[20:50:35] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Beware of me as well, aged greenish witch.
[20:50:35] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I come as well, aged greenish witch.
[20:51:35] <Maladee> hhelp
[20:51:38] <Maladee> help
[20:51:51] <Maladee> help
[20:51:51] <Freedom Isles tower guard> My pleasure, venerable trickortreater!
[20:51:51] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Whoa! Here I come, venerable trickortreater.
[20:51:51] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Whoa! Here I come, venerable trickortreater.
[20:51:51] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Coming for the venerable trickortreater.
[20:52:14] <Maladee> help
[20:52:14] <Freedom Isles tower guard> It is my duty to inform you that this is the end, venerable trickortreater!
[20:52:14] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I'll help with the venerable trickortreater.
[20:52:14] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I also found the venerable trickortreater.
[20:52:14] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I come as well, venerable trickortreater.
[20:53:19] <Maladee> help
[20:53:19] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Goodbye, aged trickortreater!
[20:53:19] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Now we are two, aged trickortreater.
[20:53:19] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Now we are two, aged trickortreater.
[20:53:19] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I'll help with the aged trickortreater.
[20:53:22] <Enki> Gofs is still in the fight
[20:53:27] <Maladee> help
[20:53:31] <Maladee> help
[20:53:31] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Forgive me, aged trickortreater!
[20:53:31] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I also found the aged trickortreater.
[20:53:31] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I also found the aged trickortreater.
[20:53:31] <Freedom Isles tower guard> You better believe it, aged trickortreater.
[20:53:32] <Gofs> nope
[20:53:40] <Gofs> spiders died
[20:53:41] <Maladee> help
[20:53:41] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I have to hurt you now, aged trickortreater!
[20:53:41] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Whoa! Here I come, aged trickortreater.
[20:54:02] <Gofs> but i need to buy some mend skill
[20:54:04] <Gofs> for my wepon
[20:54:06] <Gofs> :(
[20:54:26] <Maladee> help
[20:54:26] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I have to slay you now, venerable greenish witch!
[20:54:26] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I come as well, venerable greenish witch.
[20:54:26] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Coming for the venerable greenish witch.
[20:54:26] <Freedom Isles tower guard> You better believe it, venerable greenish witch.
[20:55:03] <Maladee> help
[20:55:03] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Goodbye, old trickortreater!
[20:55:03] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Whoa! Here I come, old trickortreater.
[20:55:03] <Freedom Isles tower guard> You better believe it, old trickortreater.
[20:55:03] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I'll help with the old trickortreater.
[20:56:52] <Maladee> help
[20:56:52] <Freedom Isles tower guard> Goodbye, adolescent trickortreater!
[20:56:52] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I come as well, adolescent trickortreater.
[20:56:52] <Freedom Isles tower guard> I see the adolescent trickortreater.
[20:56:52] <Freedom Isles tower guard> You better believe it, adolescent trickortreater.
[20:58:06] <Maladee> yes! all dead
[20:58:14] <Maladee> and I am still alive.. so pffttt!
[20:58:17] <Enki> Noooooooooooo.........
[20:58:31] <Enki> Fine!  You win this year....
[20:58:58] <Maladee> I always win! meow power!
[20:59:02] <Gofs> sorry i need to send my wepon to mend it
[20:59:13] <Gofs> brb
[20:59:13] <Enki> Gofs has successfully srurvived ot the end
[20:59:18] <Enki> You may not leave!
[20:59:41] <Maladee> not fair.. he only got spiders
[20:59:45] <Enki> You have participated and survived oneo f the challenges.  Here are your winnings
[21:00:17] <Gofs> mm food
[21:00:18] <Gofs> nice :D
[21:00:36] <Gofs> oh thanks!
[21:01:25] <Gofs> thanks alot!
[21:01:28] <Enki> As for you Goodhearted!
[21:01:54] <Enki> You successfully defeated both challenges you faced
[21:01:56] <Maladee> that fits me so well.. lol
[21:03:15] <Maladee> no crates? boo!
[21:03:27] <Enki> Its totally random
[21:03:47] <Maladee> yummy!
[21:03:47] <Gofs> thanks alot for chllenge :) GL!
[21:03:59] <Enki> Feast well, and remember, the corpses are free!
[21:04:09] <Gofs> btw Maladee dont you have ny mailbox arownd?
[21:04:15] <Maladee> you tried to kill me.. you failed mwuahaha
[21:04:33] <Enki> We shall meet again......Muahahahahha


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Today's Random Enkounter was on Affliction.


Murayya and Simonlaurin had to kick the Outcast Pumpkin Patch Kids out of their fields before they could steal all of the cotton.

There will be no warm blankets for the Pumpkin Patch Kids...  Murayya, Simonlaurin and the guards run them out of the fields and off their lands with due haste.

Murayya and Simonlaurin won some tasty foods, a couple of tools, some Halloween treats, and lots of kindling!

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Today's Random Enkounter occurred on Elevation.


There were three participants named Francismclean, Kithener, and Theawesomeone.

They had to overcome 4 challenges, and they succeeded them all!

First challenge was to produce 19 shafts.

Second was to name the event that occurs when the home of the gods intersects with the home of the demons.

Third challenge was to prevent 15 Disgruntled Milkshakes from entering the food chain.

The forth and final challenge was to defeat a horde of Dog Groomers.


They came through it with flying colors and shorter hair cuts.

They won a fabulous rare oar, a barrel of gently aged beer, some building supplies to start a market stall, or perhaps a large crate, and some cheese and bread, among other random items.

Also as this was the final day of the Halloween event item, They received the last pumpkin shoulder pads to be given out during Random Enkounters.

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Anirionin on Exodus was today's lucky contestant on Random Enkounters.


He had to face 3 grueling challenges.  First, he had to identify the length of a full day in Wurm.  After deliberations with a passing troll he correctly stated the answer!

Second, he had to make 15 wood scraps within 3 minutes.  Unfortunately, he came up a little short, so he lost the chance at the solid gold saddle that gives horses the ability to fly.

Third he had to protect his bones from the dreaded Bone Knappers!  With a little strategy he has come away with most of his bones still somewhere close to where they belong.


Anirionin won a fine dining set to host a brandy and fine cheese tasting party!

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Today's Random Enkounter occurred on the isle of Chaos.


Dor was happily working on his wall when I entered his local and challenged him to three very random challenges.

His first challenge was to pack 20 tiles in 5 minutes.

His second challenge was a little I Spy where he had to identify the item that represents the home of the demons within 5 minutes.  This one took some time but he came through with a minute to spare!

His final challenge was to extinguish 25 of the 50 spawning Solar Babies before they could burn his wagon and crates.  It was not the easiest task facing the little fluffy little yellow sol demons as they were all over the tall wall he was working on, but with his shovel he put their little flames out one by one.


He won a large supply of fudge and sweets that should give him a sugar rush for a month.

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Does this thread include "Enkounters" where toons got randomly transported to Blah Wherever random locations, left to rot for a while with no clue why they were there, then sent back by the magic of a sadistic sky lizard after a tedious long period?


That was the only time I ever saw Enki.


He seemed like a nice girl/guy.


Big mwah.


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Thanks Enki. Added a bit to the challeng to hunt the yellow monsters on that high slope :)

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Today's Enkounter was on Release and Clericgunem faced 4 way way too easy challenges.

He had to get 10 meats within 5 minutes, unfortunately he had several animal corpses on hand and completed the task with some 4 minutes to spare.

Second, he had to tell me what color pain the gods used on their home, and he answered correctly within the 3 minute time frame.

Third he had to get 10 mixed grass within 3 minutes.....  silly random number generator should have added a 0 to the number!  Anyway challenge succeeded.

Fourth challenge, he had to protect his toes from the dreaded Toe Biters!  He did very well against them considering he was having to protect another avatar at the same time, but for the folly of having such a vulnerable assistant on the field I pitted him against the Amputator!  It was over in mere seconds!!!  That poor poor beast....  Next time I will to give them Adamantium armor and seryl mandible enhancements.  Still, He succeeded the challenges!


He won a Seafood banquet that even I would not mind having!  Tuna, Rice, lemon, parsley...  some cookware, and the chefs best friend, a compass made of brass!  So if Clericgunem invites you over for lunch, brunch, or second breakfast, Get there fast as the food is gonna be good!


@Ajala umm no, victims of those Enkounters get to tell the tales of those fateful events to their grand children, or at least warn others of the impending chaos I bring.



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Today on Celebration I randomly enkountered Redi!


He had to face 2 challenges.

First challenge was to slaughter 9 Aquadogs.

Second Challenge was to tell me the color of a Piebald Pinto while fighting off a horde of Bloodthirsty Iguanas.


After having completed both very random challenges, Redi received a raft with some materials and some good food in it along with a silver mine door!

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Today, the randomizer chose a location on Independence where Rembarnt was busy working on his Botany skills.


He failed the first challenge which was to name what lives on Sol.  One of the easiest of the random things I could have asked.

So for that the fantastic Diamond bladed shovel was no longer on the table.


The second challenge he succeeded in quick form by answering which bush attacks all non Fo followers.  Okay, so that's not entirely accurate, but if you think about it the question is still true.


His final challenge was to overcome and defeat the Catnip Overlords after he stumbled onto a rare hoard of catnip.  The oversized kitty cats were absolutely befuzzled by the smell of catnip on Rembarnt, but with the help of his trusty cow, Rembarnt slew the protectors of the catnip with barely a scratch on him or his cow.


Rembarnt received a hunting kit of a bow and arrow with other items, along with some good food for any hunting journey consisting of bread, cheese, and curry.

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Today I was whisked away to the glorious lands of Xanadu.


There I enkountered Stinky and Bloodyhell.

They had to face 4 challenges.

First challenge was to make 20 bricks within 5 minutes.  Close but succeeded!

Second challenge was to name the place we keep the blood of the damned...  They failed this one miserably....  The seryll barrel set and the 5 gold coin were no longer available to them!

The third challenge was to out dance 16 Caramello Dancers.  They pulled this one off, though I am unsure if they should ever use those moves on stage.

Their fourth and final challenge was to defeat the Rapping NoGump Kids in a rapping contest.  I honestly could not tell you who won this one as the NoGump Kids just seemed to die in horrible agony each time it was Stinky and Bloodyhell's turn on stage.  Then again I had my earplugs in for this one.


Stinky and Bloodyhell recieved a large barrel full of mixed grass and moss along with a couple of basic tools and some pesto sauce that might go good with dead rapping nogumps?  And of course some good muffins for their health.

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Thank you for visiting us Enki! Didnt expect I can get so lucky to see your face without being in trouble! :P That pesto, mmm.... Cant get enough of it :) And sorry @Attenia, was not allowed to save you even a tiny little nogump child :( 

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Today I found myself among Alikin and Xagru on Release.


They had 2 challenges. 

The first was to stop a clutch of young kraken from turning into destructive teenage kraken.  Alikin single handedly dispatched them to the deep from whence they came.

The second challenge was to identify what you need to make nori. 


Bonus round....  kill all Kelp Eating thieves!   Both Alikin and Xagru got some of the action here and they protected their valuable kelp fields from the fiends.


Their efforts at facing and defeating these challenges netted them a couple of marble slabs, some reed plants, a meditation rug, a fork, and a few other items that were left over from a merchant clearance sale.  They also received some salad and of course, the most valuable prize of all... pizza!

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