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WU bugs still not fixed

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Ok CC please at some time fix these bugs cause they exist on WU servers.

Dragon scale armor chest piece has a material set to 0 it needs to be 16 in the itemtemplatecreator.class This bug has existed since the start of WU.


The animal spawn system needs to be fix I will explain a glitch that causes the data base to mess up on it's calculations.

Calfs The only child creature that is allowed to spawn like any other adult mob this is a serious issue. What happens is the calf keeps spawning cause at some point they mature and become adult so the system keeps spitting them out. The system will stop spawning cows and bulls once they reach there cap but because the claf is allowed to spawn naturally as the calfs mature they become cow's and bulls offsetting the cows and bulls eventually you end up with 4k plus of these mobs while the calf keeps spawning cause it's cap can't ever cap as long as these calf creatures can mature.


Please remove them from the spawntable.class they don't need to be spawning but breed like all other child animals.


Not sure if you have a fix yet but a reminder the lava spider, lava fiend are set to spawn on lava tiles in the spawntable.class and the problem here is they are not immune to lava damage, so if someone has valcanos on there map these mobs are spawning and dying and leaving tons of corpses which is eating up memory until the corpses decay and they die in just a few mins and the system keeps trying to spawn them on lava tiles. I found hundreds of corpses in several valcanos I had on my map just eating away at memory.

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