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Equip bison and cows with horse shoes and saddles

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It's already been done for unicorns, let's extend it to bison and cows now! Bridles probably wouldn't make as much sense on bison, as they have a very different shaped face to horses, unicorns, etc., but saddles and horse shoes should definitely fit. The same for cows, but with bridles as well, they're similar enough to horses for the bridles to work.

Edited by Attenia

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But... You can't ride a bison. So it's redundant, except for the speed boost when hitched, which... It's already been proven that a wagon with 4 5-speed bison is faster than a wagon with 4 geared 5-speed horses, so I don't see a need for it except to be OP, which we already have hell horses for. And cow gear... Just no, thank you.


-1 from me.



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