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[FIXED] Still no 100 title on Epic for Plate armor smithing

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I know this is not urgent as other bugs, but there's still no 100 Plate armour smithing title on Epic. I've hit the 100 PAS skill since october 2016.  


Been grinding PAS for 18 hours or so on sleep bonus hoping to get a tick or smth to trigger the title but still nothing. Someone had a theory that when legendary titles were introduced it might have screwed up something about triggering titles on Epic. Might that be the case?


In any case, here's a pic of today's skill , still at 100 and no title. 



Any ideas? 

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It appears this should have been addressed in the December 2016 time frame.  I'll have the devs check to see what the issue may be.


Just in case I'm asked - have you traveled to Freedom then back to epic to see if the title triggered?  Or from one epic server to another?


Can you verify which plate armor smithing titles you DO have already?  



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Yes Alectrys,  I traveled from freedom to epic and back, i have all 3 platesmithing titles - Platesmith, Renowned and Master. Also traveled from one epic server to another, still no change. 

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25 minutes ago, elentari said:

Yes Alectrys,  I traveled from freedom to epic and back, i have all 3 platesmithing titles - Platesmith, Renowned and Master. Also traveled from one epic server to another, still no change. 


Thanks for the update, Elentari.  I've opened up an issue to find out if the problem is with your character or the update never made it to the live servers.

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[18:03:25] Your title is now Imperial Dragonsmith. 


THANK YOU SO MUCH  alectrys, retro and everyone who helped , hugs to devs! 

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