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Breaking News with an overlay tool

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Hi friends


I know this would not be a real WU tool, but i hope anyone of you can help me.

I was looking the whole last night to find a opensource tool where you can create a little "breaking news" (like a web banner 468x60) with an own graphic and an editable text over it.

Players they like my (Live Server) news should be able to download a tool (with option - switch on or off) to get the news that i write directly overlayed on a given position at there own desktop or program.


the idea is, that i could inform players because serverproblems faster or for starting events or anything, not important if they are ingame or not, and maybe some more ideas in the future.


I hope someone know a webtool like this (for administration) with a depending receiver tool for the players...or...can create one(?).


Thank you in advance


Edited by Eject

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You could have a steam group, they allow events which provide little popups

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yeah i have that, but thats not what i like ^^

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