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(Unstable) Launcher takes 10+ minutes to load

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and when it does load, changing characters or profiles takes another 5+ minutes.   This started literally just now when I enabled experimental packs and changed settings to look for keybinds.txt in the player folder instead of profile folder... that's the only change.  The launcher downloaded the experimental pack and then started hanging.  Deleting the experimental pack, reversing the 2 settings I changed, Uninstalling wurm, deleting java cache, restarting PC has made zero difference.


I have absolutely no clue what is causing wurm to be so dumb atm


EDIT:  Uninstalled Java 64bit update 121, reinstalled after PC restart... same issue.

Edited by Nomadikhan

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Figured out my issue... somehow windows randomly and at that exact time decided to start denying permissions to the Wurm Online folder.  After taking over permissions from myself (yeah, it's windows 10 lol), Wurm Online Launcher is fine again.


EDIT:  And on top of that it spammed my keybinds.txt with the same binds about 50 thousand times making my keybinds file 7 megabytes.. no wonder wurm was having issue loading.

Edited by Nomadikhan

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