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Leatherworker required [solved]

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found, no longer in need. ty


Hi, i've been looking for someone to replace my leatherworker (armoursmith) since the beginning of Feb.
She's having an extended downtime.
no luck.
It's just for armour imps to QL 90, following heavy unique fights, i only need the service once in a while and usually, only one piece needs repairing. 
Unfortunately the last encounter was a klops and 3 pieces of drake got heavily damaged following many throws and one death.
I can pay in Sleep powder, gems and leatherworking blood.
I'm no trouble, please send tell or reply to the thread if you feel you can help.
thank you


Edited by Steveleeb

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Hi - Sorry Steveleeb I dont mean to hijack your post but rather than post another request for a leather worker I just thought I would chip in here - I too am in need of a leather worker - I am back after a long break and the player I used to go to is not active at the moment - I need my armour imped up to 80 or pref 90 - just the chest and legs! Please contact me if you can help me out - I will travel to any coastal location on Freedom but would be great to meet on Release!  Thanks and sorry again Steveleeb - hope you dont mind me doing this! :-)

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found one.
ordinii also got his needs met.
thank you

Edited by Steveleeb
added conclusion

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