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I like books. I'm always after that next great read but given that my time is, or seems rather precious these days, I find it it frustrating that I need to sometimes toil through a quagmire of shite to reach the golden chest.

Just about to start Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman. Anyone read it? Thoughts?

Really enjoy Tolkien, pre LotR especially. 

Few good reads of note...

David Gemmell, anything...

Driving over lemons...

Iggulden's Emperor series

Alexander of Macedon by Peter Green


Anyone recommend a good read?


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stormlight archive by brandon sanderson, amazing stuff. Got into him after he finished WoT

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I've been wanting to re-read the Dragonriders of PERN series. Need to find where my books are, and find the rest to finish up my collection. It's a sort of medieval-ish fantasy with dragons, but it actually gives explanations for how/why things happen aside from 'magic'.

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Donald Duck comics


Its a great read when u take a dump on the toilet. It has been a tradition since im able to read

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Some fantasy books that I like are The Saga Of Recluce by L.E. Modesitt Jr.

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8 hours ago, Retrograde said:

stormlight archive by brandon sanderson, amazing stuff. Got into him after he finished WoT

They are certainly a good read!

Didn't he finish writing the last Robert Jordan book?

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Reading a book on feeding your dog a raw diet currently... I don't think it's what you're looking for.^_^


However... if you're into Norse Mythology/Viking Culture/Solving Problems With an Axe, check out Snorri Sturluson.  Icelandic author from ~1200AD.  Bloody well brilliant.


Also one of my all time faves is the story of Egil Skallagrimsson



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Alas (Babylon ~Pat Frank), as the times have evolved to their present state in forms of entertainment I no longer feel the desire to read any books. In my youth however this series by: *Edgar Rice Burroughs (September 1, 1875 – March 19, 1950) an American writer known for his creation of the heroic Mars adventurer John Carter, although he produced works in many genres.*, removed me from some harsh times into the realm of the imagination of what might be.


Notice as well that the name of John Carter was slyly introduced into the Terminator movie series, no doubt as a fond secret reference to John Carter of Mars by E.R.B. He also wrote the Tarzan series but I don't care much for them in comparison. Too down to earth for my tastes I suppose. Many Sci-Fi books and authors well known I had also read. Phillip K Dicke (- the 'e censor bypass) was about the most far out trippy guy along those lines. R.I.P. now.


Who knows what the next life may hold. Perhaps these places and times hide just beyond the veil.


Happy Trails


Edited by Ayes

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