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WTS Deed Clogwyn, celebration

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Hello everybody,


I want to sell my deed on the server Celebration.  It is north of the market of TDM. It's a nice small deed with citywalls that are connected by bridges. With this system you almost can walk around on the walls except where the workshop is.






It has more than 290days upkeep and upkeepcosts are very low.

The deed is included with all materials and stuff that is stored there. All kinds of lumps from ql1 to ql90+.

Also under the deed is a mine with some veins.


Also an enchanted horse area with horses (with all kinds of traits) + horsegear.



Workshop has storage too from dirt to logs and tools to work with. Only the 3 rare forges were sold.



Here are some pictures to get an impression.









Always feel free to walk and look on deed, the gates are open.



Give me an offer and we can negotiate about.

Any questions can be asked in pm of this forum.



Kind regards,



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-well I'll just send a pm-

Edited by Pallas
Just going to pm

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