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Have the harvest times changed?

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I see that olives are harvestable.  My time in Wurm is [13:35:41] It is 18:16:04 on Luck day in week 1 of the Bear's starfall in the year of 1064.  


Unless I'm reading it wrong, according to the chart on Wurmpedia, olives aren't supposed to be harvestable in the first week of the Bear.  Is that chart still accurate?  

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As far as I know the listed dates on Wurmpedia under seasons are more of an average that the actual harvest period orbits, rather than exact dates.

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It says there that it could be plus or minus two weeks.  This is 4 weeks after the last most likely harvest time.  Plus, it really was harvestable 4 weeks ago, because I already harvested the olives a few days ago.  If it's an early harvest for the next one, then it's 12 weeks early, so it can't be that.  There seems to be an extra harvest time in the middle now.  

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I think olives are no longer harvestable now.  It's the last part of oleander and now starting today camellia.

From my experience, they set the harvest schedule so that only two are harvestable at a given time.


UPDATE:  As of now (20 Feb 2017), it's just camellia and now lavender.

Edited by Tristanc

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Okay, now the olives are harvestable again, and it's the first week of Raven in Wurm.  Even if it was a late harvest from last month (Fire), it should definitely be over by now.    

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