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PC newb account 10-11 months prem

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As title says pretty new account I would have to get skill dump has some farming like 30ish some animal husbandry around 30ish 1 or 2 other skills.. Comes with 10 or 11 months prem time.. 10 or 11 sleep powder, and referral. Also has 2 silver. 


Basically a new account pretty much with good prem time and starter toon goodies. PC in euros please.

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I can't see you getting more than whatever it has on it is worth. Basically that's 10 euros for the SP, and maybe 50-60 for the prem time, but I honestly don't see why someone would buy this account - it doesn't have more than a new toon would have when putting 10 months premium on it.

Edited by Yldrania

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That's the reason for a PC. Toon has 18s worth of stuff between powders referral and silver in bank plus 10 or 11 months. Obviously I'm not expecting someone to say 80 euro. But there are those who might have been looking to start a new alt toon and this could be a cheap opportunity to do so. So 40 euro 45 euro 50 euro? Anyone care to make an offer?

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10 months of premium time is 80. Given its assigned to an account already, I would say it's valued at less than a referral, so let's give it 4s each. That's 40s. + 10s for powders + 6 Gor referral. 56s. Given it has a name and gender attached to it that can't be changed, it depreciates more. No skills add to that.


I would say fair price for this would be 35-45s/e. Good bargain for someone who is making a battery and cares very little about cosmetics. 

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41 minutes ago, Angelklaine said:

10 months of premium time is 80. Given its assigned to an account already, I would say it's valued at less than a referral, so let's give it 4s each. That's 40s. + 10s for powders + 6 Gor referral. 56s. Given it has a name and gender attached to it that can't be changed, it depreciates more. No skills add to that.


I would say fair price for this would be 35-45s/e. Good bargain for someone who is making a battery and cares very little about cosmetics. 

More or less what I was thinking thanks for the responses.

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