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Can't fight or hunt, suddenly

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I'm hoping this is a known issue, and maybe it's just a matter of clicking something to fix it. My toon suddenly can no longer hunt, though I can spar with another player.  Mobs are still outlined in red, and I am not yet high enough as a Fo priest to get that buff, but mobs are completely ignoring me. I can click them and choose Attack, and it says I have targeted them. But then nothing happens at all, and the mobs eventually wander off.


My GM toon can hunt without any problems. It's just my regular player who can't. Yesterday morning, she could hunt just fine. I logged off for a few hours, and when I came back this happened.


Has anyone encountered this before, and can you tell me how to fix it?  I already tried rebooting Steam, then my entire computer. Also tried changing her to a GM to see if it fixed it (it didn't). Then I tried deleting her entire folder and console file from my computer and starting her again. And I tried getting my GM toon to Reload her.  Just for the heck of it, I also tried /stuck.  Nothing has worked. 

Edited by Batta

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I had my GM change the toon to a Level 5 GM (she still couldn't fight), then back to a Level 0 regular player, and the problem magically disappeared. If anyone can explain why this happened, so I avoid it in the future, that would be great. If least it's fixed now!  :-)

Edited by Batta

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never heard of that, glad you sorted it, probably add it to the bug thread in the discussions forum

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When becoming a GM you usually become invulnerable and invisible, which excludes you from the majority of combat actions.


You need to turn them both off manually each time you connect. You can either do that with a wand, or use the "#invis" and "#invuln" commands. If you already have these switched on and then drop to a non-GM these modes will still be active, and you won't have permission to turn them off. (I noticed this particularly if you are level 2+, have invulnerability, and drop to level 1.)


Turning off invisibility usually has an instant effect regarding hostile monsters from seeing you, but turning off invulnerability often comes with a minute-ish delay for the monsters to notice. (If you go away from them out of sight and return they should notice you right away.)

Edited by Adambean

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On 13.5.2017 at 5:12 PM, Adambean said:

If you already have these switched on and then drop to a non-GM these modes will still be active,

Sorry, thats not true.


Further she was speaking about a regular player which is level 0



Edited by Eject

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Correct. It was a regular non-GM character having the trouble. The thing that sorted it out was to turn her into a GM, then turn her back into a regular player. Anyway, never had the problem again after that, so it remains a weird mysterious glitch, lol.

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