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Remove from friend list deletes all special permissions

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Simple idea that came to me while reading a different thread.  If you remove a person from friends list, or they remove you from theirs, all permissions you have set for them by name are deleted. 
For example, you have a trusted friend, you've given them extra permissions on your deed and to your vehicles, permissions you'd only give to someone you trust.   Trusted friend sells their account to some random other player.   Remove chr name from friend list and all extra permissions you have given them are now gone.  No need to worry about whoever bought the account, no need to go through all permissions sets one by one.


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10 minutes ago, Aeryck said:

You can search permissions and deny all that way.

Okay, that's neat.  Never saw that before.  Thanks.

Remove from friend list suggestion still has merits, a good friend will purge their friend list before handing it over to a new owner.   My suggestion would save everyone on their friendlist from having to change permissions, some who may be on Wurm breaks at the time of the sale.


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+1 from me if it's done with a prompt that asks you if you really want to do that or keep permissions as they are.

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