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Reduce the amount of dye to paint BSBs and FSBs

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Hellu, so currently we require 5.4kgs to paint a sailboat, 26kgs to paint a large cart and 66kgs to paint a colossus. Seems about right...


But then to paint bulk storage bins and food storage bins, we need 128kgs of dye to paint just one. Seems a bit 2 much for this items.


Any chance of reducing that amount so we can actually start seeing painted bsbs and fsbs in our homes pls?

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Just looking at them the exterior of BSB's and FSB's shouldn't need more dye than a colossus or a cog.

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trouble is that dyes are tied to volume (and not apparent size) BSB/FSB/Crates have huge volumes... and the need for dye is as large as their capacity.


Since the removal of wood types, obvious +1 for a lesser amount of dye needed for them!

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2 hours ago, NeeNee said:

+1 And can we actually dye a colossus?

Yes, there are some painted colossi out there.

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12 hours ago, NeeNee said:

+1 And can we actually dye a colossus?


Use the large amphora and a ton of dye

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I would personally like a total re-work of the dye system to include the amount needed to paint said objects

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I gotta bump this again, please re-do the numbers on dye for all objects.  Thanks.

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