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Actioning off Wand of the Seas(ended)

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starting bid at 50s

increments 5s min

Personal hiden reserve

Buy out welcome but have to right to refuse thank you or will trade for the right tome 1 charge

sniper protection 2 hours


Thanks and have fun bidding




no Bids can close action thank you



Edited by Cartier

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edited.. I may have been wrong.

Edited by ausimus

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2 minutes ago, Mykoal said:

It makes a big hole :P 

That was fixed they do indeed make an island now. If your in a place they can be used.

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2 minutes ago, Cartier said:

[19:21:55] You start to plant the wand of the seas.
[19:22:04] You plant the wand of the seas.
[19:22:04] Nothing seems to happen. Maybe you're too close to a settlement or in enemy territory.
[19:22:22] You get a wand of the seas.



FAIL action sorry guys nothing can be done for freedom complete your goals and get something you cant use thanks for playing guys


It does work on Freedom if you meet all the placement requirements. Can't be too close to server borders, deeds, buildings or land.


I will add not to use it currently though, I did just find a bug with the island actually being created when the rod decays away while planted (in that it doesn't, and the rod stays destroyed). Wait till the next update at least, and it should be fixed.

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For those interested but don't know what you can do with these here is a couple pictures I took of the wand we used on elevation to give you an idea of the scale of it if it has not changed since we used it about a year ago.








An overview of the 2 dropped on current(The volcano looking things) from the last map dump, 1 from JK(North and the one in the pics above) and 1 from MR(South no pics sorry)



This was before the wands on the fresh map dump




Edited by Darklords

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rock is around it not sure if that can be froze have to test it another thing now lol :D 



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I have not tested it to see if it works though I don't see why it wouldn't, but they are normal lava tiles and if they where not able to be frozen that would most certainly be a bug I assume would be fixed.

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I tried freezing the volcanos on chaos (because what mag priest path of power wizard doesnt want to live in a volcano?)

but it doesnt let you.

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epic prize hope you guys dont have the same luck as i did when u complete your goals :D 

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On 2/12/2017 at 7:30 PM, Budda said:


It does work on Freedom if you meet all the placement requirements. Can't be too close to server borders, deeds, buildings or land.


I will add not to use it currently though, I did just find a bug with the island actually being created when the rod decays away while planted (in that it doesn't, and the rod stays destroyed). Wait till the next update at least, and it should be fixed.


I'm glad you finally took the time to figure the bug out on your own, now that it affects the freedom market, despite being messaged about it with the relevant problematic code included back in August.



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