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New item: Stationary kit, & message board improvement.

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I would like to suggest for people to use in game a kit that can be used to write letters or board postings.


Stationary Kit:

  • 20 sheets of paper,
  • 1 reed pen,
  • 1 full flask of ink/dye.


Upon use this kit would allow a player to write a number of full length messages limited by the quality of the kit.  Ideally this would be 10 full length messages.

(I would suggest that the % used is in relationship to the length of the message written)



  • Allow people to communicate in-game in a reasonable fashion.
  • Not require constant running around to write 1 letter to someone.
  • Ease of use for the new message board system.
  • In game way to write short contracts, trade receipts, claim slips, and other things.



  • ???



As an extension of this, in a fashion similar to the larder:


The dev team could re-work the message board to include 3 shelves which would hold the materials to write new posts on the message board:

  • Paper drawer (could be improved with paper of papyrus)
  • Ink Well  (could be improved with dye or ink)
  • Pen Box (could be improved with reed pens)


Each of these shelves would work a lot like the stationary kit, with the exception that they would deteriorate down to 1% and could be improved by adding paper/papyrus, ink/dye, or reed pens respectively to each given shelf.



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