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WTB Deed

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I've been trying to lure otherwise responsible adults to Wurm and I need to have a more appealing place to put them. I need a deed (or deed spot) on a fairly social server, that's not Xanadu. I love my little cove, but it's really isolated and the sparse population is off-putting to people I'm trying to get to play. :D 


Pluses: a huge freaking mountain that's not been mined out yet. A lot of forest, hills, no terraces. Access to the open ocean via highway or canal. Friendly neighbors locally who might want to chat with my newbie or help him not die if I am not on. Things to kill. I am open as far as server goes, though I did love living on Release and Pristine, though both seem pretty quiet right now. Current spot is 25 x 45, so around that size or a bit smaller/bigger would be ideal. 


I have no time limit here, so if you have an idea, let me know. 

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I can show you a spot in Celebration that has possibly all of this. Plus the area south of Celebration is populated by a few groups such as the Misfits. There is hunting to be had and good spots to mine. Hit me up if you are interested and want me to show you. 


Bonus is that you don't have to pay a thing. Just drop your own deed.

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I know of a couple disbanded deeds that would fit your specs on central Indy, on Inner Sea. If you want a tour let me know. i'm online most evenings (EST from around 8pm to 1am) for several hours.  One in particular just disbanded, and I have had my eye on it. It's a bit more remote (not sure how active the deeds near it are) but it's a gorgeous spot with so much potential. Another is more active, but a bit more creative thinking to get it to fit all my needs.  In game name same as forums.

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There are som good places available at crystal lake and at harmony lake north of crystal lake. Within 6 month Harmony lake has sea connection. 

We also have an alliance where many villages are from that area. 

Feel free to contact me (deathlemming, godzildarella) and i will show you around the area. Lived there since 2010. Im usualy on afternoon or evenings gmt+1

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