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wurm unlimited keeps crashing me to the desktop

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the game including the dedicated server shuts off, it's happened to me 4 times today, any suggestions, added server log at link below.


here is the client log


i'm using mods, but nothing that should cause the game to crash, in this way.


help please.


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At first glance, you seem to have a database corruption, but I can obviously not say this for sure with the limited information I have.


Edit: Make a backup of the database before you start the server up again.


The database in question seem to be something that is creature/player related, so they should be your first targets. Edit 2: I got a chance to check filenames now, I'd start with looking at wurmcreatures.db)


To recover, if you haven't already, get a Sqlite shell where you can execute queries on the database. In the query window, run
PRAGMA integrity_check;
And check if that returns anything other than "OK". If it returns OK, then well, apparently Sqlite does not seem to think there is a problem.

You can force a rebuild of the database by running in the same query window as above:


Some Sqlite shells have a bit of an ugly hack by wrapping their queries into transactions so you MIGHT have to actually use the below to get yourself out of that sticky situation:

end transaction;



If the above did not help, you should probably dump the data (I'd recommend as inserts) and then simply create a new database manually from there. It's hard to say if any data was lost, obviously or heck, if this is even the cause.


I hope this helps, though.


(NOTE: I am writing this from the top of my head, I *think* these are the proper commands)

Edited by Friya

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In addition, I figured I'd may as well throw it out there. These two lines seem to suggest you have put some client-side mods in your server's mods folder:


[05:25:04 PM] SEVERE ActionMod: Error loading mod
javassist.NotFoundException: com.wurmonline.client.console.WurmConsole


[05:25:04 PM] SEVERE ToolbeltMod: Error loading mod
org.gotti.wurmunlimited.modloader.classhooks.HookException: javassist.NotFoundException: com.wurmonline.client.renderer.gui.ToolBeltComponent


This is not related to the problem you have above. They don't do any real harm there, but they do throw errors when you start up your server.


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@Friya is correct with those 2 mods, they are client side only. but unrelated to your error.


Yes you have a corrupted database, usually caused by improper shutdown of the server, it will be a pain in the ass to fix it. which some on this forum have done.

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Thanks guys, i thoght it might be the ded server software so i uninstalled it, but the stupid piece of crap deleted everything, i lost the lot, everything is gone, not fing happy jan, 


have to restart from scratch again. 


/edit i found a recent backup on my external. Takes me ba k a little further than i would like, but it has my kitchens and haberdashery, so not a total loss, 



Edited by ozmods

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This is why you should back up server to separate folders often. I did, and I am so glad because my computer went Poof and I was able to give the backup to a friend to restart it on his server. 

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yeah I had everything in zip files, but it deleted that too. I can use get databack but it takes hours to scan, and I got time for that.

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Me personaly would just have the dedicated server in a sperate folder outside the steam folders.

Just in case steam does something nasty.

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hindsight is a wonderful thing lol,


I back up 2-3 times a day now, just to be sure lol, I was just lucky enough to find a backup that still had my land cleared,  workshop, wood stores, kitchen and food stores, and haberdashery still there, believe me, I didn't relish going through any of those things again.

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