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Problem with tickets

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Since some weeks i have problems with the support tickets on my loginserver


i just can see the text "open tickets" and "closed tickets" but there is no + digit, so its not possible for me to open the folders.




I hope you can help me :/



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i believe, if there are no tickets i wouldnt get the "support" tab

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nvm it works now. i dont know whats happen ^^

the last issue is still i cant see tickets from neighbour servers, i see just the tickets from the server where i am.

Edited by Eject

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We an issue with sport ticket on Ages of Urath

on the log in server ticket numbers had been for a while.

Then we opened a neighboring server and players started support tickets there, the numbers started from the beginning again.

On the neighboring server tickets can be processed fine, but when processed on  the log in server the neighboring server ticket numbers had login support ticket details.

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Bigsteve the solution to that is a database edit. You need to go into each server and set the next ticket number and ticket blocks to its own 100k number range. That way the tickets do not cross getting the same ticket numbers. Took me a couple months to figure that one out myself.

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On 4.2.2017 at 9:37 AM, Xyp said:

Bigsteve the solution to that is a database edit. You need to go into each server and set the next ticket number and ticket blocks to its own 100k number range. That way the tickets do not cross getting the same ticket numbers. Took me a couple months to figure that one out myself.

Hello Xyp


Can you explain me, where in the database i have to edit the ticketrange?



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TICKETNOS in wurmlogin.db nextticketID and nextbatch

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