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Nevereverland [5x Skillgain, 3x Timers] [PVP]

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2048x2048 map
5x skillgain/ 3x timers
2.5x body stats

Boat mod for minimum boat speed
Bounty mod
Bulk transporting mods
Digging like mining
Inbreed warnings
Meditation mod
Prospecting mod
Salve mod


Skill rates are 5x, action timers are 3x. Epic settings, kingdom spawn points set with direct spawn points on kingdom starter deeds. The whole map is habitable.  Map has been picked to be 2048x2048 to make PVP a more common thing instead of vast ammounts of empty space, while still leaving room for exploration. 


Body and Mind stats start at 20.5.
Bounty mod is set to 0.4 but being tinkered with to optimize hunting/reward ratio. Meditation mod is set to 0.2 meaning at the highest levels you will have to wait about 2 days per level advancement, can't fail to relax, don't have to move 12 tiles. 






Edited by Nevereverlands

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