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Mod that announces player logging on/off?

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I have been hunting for several hours now... Can someone tell me the name of the server mod that flashes a blue/green announcement across the center of every player's screen whenever someone logs on or off the server?  This is so handy, and I miss having it on my server!

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Hey Batta


In Ago's Server mod loader it has the announcer mod you're looking for.


Scroll down to the latest release, and the mod "" is the one you'll be looking for.


However i'm not sure if there's any more setup other than putting the mods on your server and running the patcher.bat - check the announcer folders to see if it has any settings.

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Thanks for the quick answer. I see that my server host has added Announcer, but it is not working.  I'll ask them about it, then.  I had thought it must be some other mod, since we aren't seeing the announcements.  Thanks!

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