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Candelabras without candles

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TL;DR version first: candelabras can be heated in any heat source that they fit in until they read as lit, then planted hot and they stay lit forever without ever using candles


Specifics: I made 2 copper candelabras and noticed that when hot in the forge for imping they read as "lit" but if I pulled both out of the forge (for tempering) they instantly cooled and snuffed automatically. but when I pulled only one out it stayed hot and lit. I was able to run one of them from the forge to its destination and plant it before it cooled or snuffed. the second one was out too quickly when i ran it there so to further test this I lit a campfire outside the building it was going in. threw the candelabra in there and waited for it to light. again it worked and I was able to pull it hot and lit from the camp fire and plant it in the building. they've both been lit and burning no problem now without ever having seen a candle, just straight from copper lump to planted and staying lit.



Kaide, Pristine

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