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[FIXED] Chopped/Fillets of fish lose weight taken out FSB/Crate

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When putting either fillets of catfish, or chopped fillets of catfish, 0.3KG each into a FSB or crate, the crate keeps the correct number for weight and number of items, but on pulling them out they lose about 80% of their weight. Tested with catfish but pretty sure if effects other types of fish too. Meat seems to be ok with 1 fillet = 0.3KG.



Edit: Could this be due to the ql of fish effecting weight? I don't currently have any other fish large enough to fillet to test with currently, but I have seen both 0.05KG/fillet and 0.06KG/fillet before, but I did not check the ql.

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Will be fixed next server update - already found and fixed on test.  Thanks for your report.

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