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Help with House build

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Im having a bit of trouble building this house in wurm online. The entrance in the front middle section of the house is a bit complicated for me and not sure how to plan / build it. Here is the pastebin link for deedplanner.









Edited by Phinar_7

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The tile in front of the door is outside the house because it has no walls on the bottom floor in front of it.

You can't build a wall hanging in the air and a floor at the top outside the house.

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Is the second image alright?  Also what is the differents between Plan > Inner Wall and Plan > Wall that are inside building?  In Wurmpedia it says there are Inner Walls but I havent been able to get the option, just Plan > Wall.

Edited by Phinar_7

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The second image should be possible. You will have to complete a wall of some kind at the front before you can build the upper floor but you can bash it out afterwards to leave the plan like in your picture.

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