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Boat becomes Invisible

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I am having trouble with my boat disappearing when I disembark from ship and walk away. When I come back it is gone and I can only see it again by logging off and back on. ([13:56:17] <Timothymarker> (Xan)) Suggested I start a new topic as he thought it was old issue but could not find an old topic. My name is Budha and my ship is the Lookfar. I have deed on Pristine and when I am at the deed it does not seem to disappear. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


                                                                                                                                                              Thank You,



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Seen this happen two times for other characters than myself.

First off was one of my alts that didnt see the knarr my main (and two other players) were embarked in. My alt couldnt see the players either.

Second time it was a deed mate that didnt see his newly made sailing boat. I however, could see it.

Edited by Nordlys

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