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Are there any golden rings and frenches left on Celebration?

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I'm trying to collect all the Christmas animals, and I still need a French hen and a golden ring ram. There don't seem to be any left on Exodus. Does anyone know if there are any on Celebration? I may send an alt over to get some if there are. Or if anyone has any they're willing to trade, let me know! I could care for them until the programming is changed so animals can cross servers and I can take them to Exodus. I'd also be interested in a turtle pheasant if there are any.

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2 hours ago, KrojinKin said:

Mind uh... Pissing off with the spam?




Nothing wrong with someone making a post, other than you making a post.



Edited by JakeRivers

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8 topics for same thing is spam

Edited by Sila

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I made different posts for the different servers, as I didn't think people would look at posts for servers other than they one they are on; I know I don't. Clearly you do, sorry if it annoyed you to see it so many times.

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You did nothing wrong, anyone who is willing to create a deed on a different server for a pet collection is perfectly fine to post in each server. 



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