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[Closed] bacon recipe missing?

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so, i got "bacon" in my recipe book (had made a note before i knew the recipe from sandwich main recipe) and all it shows is skill: cooking.

since then i made raw bacon : recipe isnt showing in my cook book, and i cooked it. this time the recipe show and says need raw bacon

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Are you saying that the recipe for bacon is not listed in your cookbook or that sandwich still calls for raw bacon?


Have you logged out and back in and checked your recipe book again?


I made raw bacon and the recipe 'bacon' was added.

I then cooked that raw bacon and the recipe 'cooked bacon' was added.


I looked at sandwich and it still had cooked bacon as red and unknown - I logged out and back in and I now see sandwich needing cooked bacon in white (as known) with the correct drop down menu.


Let me know which portion you are missing - bacon, cooked bacon or the correct item in sandwich.


Added bug for sandwich portion of the recipe not turning white when you learn cooked bacon until you relog.  If this is not what you mean, please let me know.



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Many of the cooking issues have been addressed and fixed.  The one remaining issue with bacon not turning white in the sandwich recipe once you actually make the bacon will not be addressed.  A relog will change the red bacon to white bacon in that recipe.

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