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LF Redesigns/Suggestions/Ideas for my deed

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(To Mods: If this isn't the correct section for this type of post, please move it to the correct one. I didn't know where I should post it. Thanks)

Hey everyone. Due to events I just don't wish to live again, I feel I must redesign my deed.. somehow, to remove past bad memories in it. Yet I'm horrible when it comes to deed planning. And the deed needs a good redesign.

What I'm looking for, is that "in the woods, but in the mountains" feel (as my deed is both). I would like a complete redesign of my main house. I'll even go with Stone instead of Wood, though I've never worked with Mortar in my Wurm life. The horse pen can be moved, and so can the cart storage.


Please be good (or at least decent) in DeedPlanner (what I've been using). But even with that, I can't come up with any real good ideas. Just want a complete redesign that will blow me away, and in ways.. celebrate 2017's arrival.

By the way, I have three horses. I'm looking to give them a proper pen (and have someone get Enchanted Grass under them to prevent more of those damn trees growing in the pen).

Also note that there are three people living here (me, my alt, and a friend of mine). My friend does deserve his own place on my deed, but I don't know where to put it.

I'll even pay if I need to, for the service. Though I don't have much silver.


Here's my deed (tried to upload it to my website in MAP form, but it wouldn't show as a download). If you can help me, that would be fantastic. The deed is 'Oceanside Retreat', NW side of Indy (so I have ocean/boat access). Thanks in advance;

Edited by Benie
Last second touches I forgot to add

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