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Rage Meter

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I had an idea that maybe the more you are fighting in a row, the less focus you loose between fights.


and kinda like the alcoholic meter, it wont be visible but you just know by how much focus you loose per fight.


This could be linked to Fighting skill, so you don't get it til 70FS (non prems and newbies won't have it)


It would help to not have to refocus so much between fights.

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Or a simpler solution of letting focus level stay for 30 (insert your number) seconds after the fight.

Edited by zigozag

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+1, also would like to tag on it should be harder for mobs to disrupt your combat focus.

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32 minutes ago, zigozag said:


Or a simpler solution of letting focus level stay for 30 (insert your number) seconds after the fight.

+1, let us focus up without being in combat also

archery/throwing get a bunch of damage increases as you focus up but sadly they're like 99.99% never in use since you have to be up close to focus + the focus wears off after a couple of moments

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Have the rage meter on the forums for extra power.


Sounds like a good idea, in its basic form. Longer lasting focus.

Im not add enough to lose focus in a multi person engagement, but i guess makarus is...

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And can we get the rage meter to extend a little longer for each consecutive kill... How about that monster truck rally voice pops up and says "killing spree!!!"  ;)  ok, maybe not the voice, but for sure the focus extension.

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Mega kill!

Ultra kill!







Klaa. round of UT? Moght have a copy of 2k4 kicking around.

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+1 just killed one spider  be able to turn on troll and have at im !

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-1 to Rage Meter.

+2 to Bezerker Focus, (Rage?), Meter, Strength, Mode, (Resolve?), Power, Activate!, (Mayhem?), (Madness?), (MurderDeathKill?)



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